[EP 30] back to reality

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Pond and Phuwin finally had some news when they noticed 2 cars with dead bodies in it, there were another two cars that was blown up. Parts were scattered across the highway. They found Ohm's car abandoned a few miles down the road. Pond looked around.

"The safehouse is just 2 miles from here!" He told Phuwin in sudden realization. He hoped that all is well with Dunk. He won't be able to forgive himself if he wasn't.


Joong and Dunk had aired the house, cleaned the sheets and Dunk's room. Dunk had packed a bag of food for their trip back to the Khajornborirak compound. If no one had come finding them, it's safe to assume that the threat was over. They would need to regroup with Pond and Phuwin and figure out how to go forward from here. Dunk sighed as they were about to leave their safe haven. Joong hugged him, whispering words of comfort, letting him know that nothing will change in their relationship.

Dunk slid a combat knife in his boot. He slid two guns in the gun holster by his waist. He puts on his shoulder holster, slid on another 2 guns. Joong can't help but beamed at how badass his omega looked. Dunk puts two gun holster clip on Joong's belt- one to his left and another to his right. He asked Joong to show him how he holds a gun as he passed one to him. Dunk demonstrated once more for his peace of mind. Once they were ready, they opened the door. Dunk was surprised to see Pond and Phuwin at the door. He rushed forward to hug them.

Pond's sense of relief only lasted a minute until he noticed a difference in Dunk's scent. There was an undertone of sage and sea salt that wasn't there before. He pulled his collar and noticed the bite mark. His iris flashed red.

"You claimed him!" Phuwin and Dunk tried to hold him back with much difficulty as he shifted into alpha rage.

"He's my true mate, Phi Pond! He's my true mate!" Dunk shouted. Pond and Phuwin were stunned to learn of this news.


The four of them sat around the dining table. Dunk looked at Pond and Phuwin nervously. Joong clasped his hand, his thumb stroking the back of his hand as he tried to comfort him. He sent calming scent towards his mate, willing him to calm down. He was nervous too as Pond and Phuwin were Dunk's guardian but he had to be strong for his mate.

"I don't like this. I don't like this one bit. What will happen to Dunk when the Guntithanon clan finds out!" Pond finally broke the silence.

"They can't deny a true mate's bond." Joong stated boldly.

"You're naïve, Joong. You're the heir to the Guntithanon clan. You mated without the knowledge of elders. They won't take kindly to this. They will do everything within their means to show the power and control they hold within the clan." Phuwin spoke from his experience as he saw Joong repeating history. Phuwin may be the clan leader but he was oppressed by the elders. Sometimes he wondered if it was because he is an omega and they were actually using Pond as an excuse. Pond clasped his hand as he tried to comfort his mate. They both sighed.

"What's done is done. There's no way around it now. You will go back to the Guntithanon clan house and discuss your approach with your parents. Dunk will go back with us." Phuwin looked sharply at Joong as he spoke. Joong had wanted to protest. They were a newly mated pair. They needed to be with each other.

"There's no two ways about it. You may need to send a few of your clothing with your scent to calm Dunk's omega but we will have to do this right." Pond said firmly. Joong had no choice but to relent.

When they reached the Guntithanon clan house, Joong hugged Dunk. He scent marked him before leaving the car. He watched as they drove out of sight. 

He prayed to the moon goddess to have his mate back in his arms once again. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: For those of you who are wondering, yea, family members or people that they are close with do know each other's scent. Pond had known Dunk since young so it's a given he knows his scent. 

I think Joong is a lil too over. Dunk already carries his scent. Why does he need to scent mark him? 🤭🤭possessive much. 

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