[EP 20] the Guntithanon clan gathering

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Pond may not be as eloquent as Phuwin. He may lack the finesse that Phuwin had been training for as clan leader since young, but Pond had a natural charisma. His easy-going personality allowing him to mingle easily. Dunk had adopted Pond's easy-going character when it came to mingling. He puts people at ease when they talk to him. Joong noticed that he scans how people reacts to him. He also saw how he tried to get a read on the people he meets.

"Phi Dim! Come meet Dunk, Joong's onscreen partner." Sarawat called his brother over. Dunk wai-ed politely.

"ohoo~~ suuay maak (so beautiful). Our Joong is so lucky. This is my mate Green and our son Poom." Dunk had wai-ed politely towards them as well. Dunk had felt a strange vibe coming off Poom. His eyes lingered a little too longer as he stared at him.

"I'm glad Aa (Uncle) invited you. You look so much better in person. I'm a fan of yours." He reached out for a handshake but Joong came over, stopped Dunk and wrapped his arm around him.

"I think that won't be necessary." Joong glared at Poom. It was the first time Dunk had seen Joong overtly display dislike towards a person. There seemed to be a history between them.

There was nothing much to go on on, apart from Joong's dislike towards Poom.

"Phi Den, why don't you like Phi Poom?" Dunk asked curiously.

"I don't like the way he was staring at you. Don't get too close to him. He's not a good person" Joong's inner alpha was in rage when he saw the way Poom looked at Dunk, as if trying to undress him on sight. Poom had always played dirty but no one realizes the mask that he wears.


"I think we need to dig further into Phi Poom, Lung (Uncle) Dim's son. There seems to be a history between him and Phi Joong." Dunk informed Phuwin and Pond. Phuwin asked his subordinate to do a background check on him.

"That's all the lead I have tonight, nothing seems to be amiss." Pond and Phuwin agreed that they didn't notice anything weird going on within the Guntithanon clan. It was like finding a needle in the hay stack. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: The hanfu series is ready. PG 13 so everyone can enjoy. I'm putting it up early since EP 1 does have a valentine day vibe. Hope you enjoy. 

Here the brief about it:

title: My Name is Written in Your Past

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title: My Name is Written in Your Past

summary: Joong saw Dunk by the window. It was love by first sight but he didn't know how far their shared history intertwined. PondPhuwin supporting the plot. Fantasy AU, C drama vibe.

*Heavy angst with happy ending

rating: PG13

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