[EP 21] waking up from a dream

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 "That should have been me! That should have been me!" Mai threw the magazine at the TV screen as she saw Dunk standing beside Joong as they not only bagged the award for most popular series, but also the best couple award.

 "That should have been me! That should have been me!" Mai threw the magazine at the TV screen as she saw Dunk standing beside Joong as they not only bagged the award for most popular series, but also the best couple award

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"You were the one who was afraid for her life, saying that acting with Joong Archen Guntithanon is a curse." Sammy said while checking her nails.

"I can always bag him as a mate. I'm an omega after all. That Dunk is only a beta. I just need to create a moment with him" Mai adjusted her top and smiled coyly. Sammy rolled her eye.


Dunk helped Joong with his coat. Joong unbuttoned a few of the button of his shirt. Dunk smacked his hand away when he reaches for the fourth button.

"That is quite enough." Joong grinned at Dunk's comment. They left the hotel room that Joong booked. He would most likely get drunk by the end of the after party, this was a safer option.

Joong had made sure Dunk stuck to him during the start of the party. This really wasn't Dunk's usual scene. Dunk was more introverted by nature. The place was too loud with too many people. It was lucky that he wasn't the only one on duty tonight, Khun Paaw had sent a few personnel from the elite team tonight. They were more familiar with Joong's events, knowing what to cover.

Joong had ushered Dunk on stage to sing and danced along to the music. Dunk was only able to tolerate a few minutes of it before feeling the need to go down. 

Joss a fellow co-actor in their series had come over to speak to Dunk as he got down from the stage. 

Mai saw her opening.

When Joong noticed Dunk being rather intimate with Joss, his inner alpha raged with jealousy. He got down from the stage heading towards Dunk. Mai had intercepted, bumping into Joong, twisting her ankle in the process. Her 8-inch heels did make it believable. Joong had supported her to his room. He ran out to get an ice pack for her. Mai took the opportunity to prepare herself as she wiped off her scent blocker.

When Dunk noticed that Joong had disappeared from stage, he panicked. He checked in with the elite team and got to know that Joong had gone back to his room. When he opened the door, the strong floral scent of an omega greeted his nose. He was shocked to see Mai in a bathrobe.

"Oh hi, you must be Dunk. Joong had told me so much about you. I hope you don't mind if Joong and I spend some alone time together tonight." She hinted at Dunk. Dunk forced a small smile and walk out of the room. He took the lift down. He sighed as he reached the entrance of the hotel.

He should have known the day would come but he didn't expect it to be this soon. He didn't expect it to hurt.

Don't fall for him. Phuwin's warning rang in his mind.

He didn't know when he fell for Phi Den. Perhaps it was the acting, the many intimate scenes that they had. Perhaps it was the way Phi Den interacted with him, with how close they were. There really wasn't much boundary between them. He didn't expect himself to fall for him but yet he did anyways.

That alpha will never be yours.

Phuwin's words echoed in his mind. He sighed. Since Joong had found his mate, it's time for him to leave. He called Phuwin to inform him of the situation. It would be difficult for him to continue to be beside Joong and it would be messy since he was his onscreen partner. Phuwin told him that he'd be sending Ohm to take over his duty.


"How are you going back? Do you need the car?" Ohm asked when he reached.

"I'll be returning the car to the Guntithanon clan house. Take good care of Phi Den." Ohm nodded, patting Dunk on the shoulder before heading towards Joong's room.


~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 🫣🫣Joong better hurry. 

And just so you know, no, Joss and Gawin as not villains in this series🤣🤣 I know I've cast them as villains before in my other series and many other author cast them as villains but no, not in this series🤭🤭 They are really just innocent supporting characters here. 

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