[EP 28] Be mine 🔞🔞

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Dunk looks at the two wet face towels. 

He is afraid. 

He is afraid to find out that they aren't scent compatible. He is afraid that Phi Den will be disappointed if he isn't his true mate- to have all his dreams crumbling at that exact moment. 

Joong hugs him from behind, putting his arms around his waist.

"No matter what, I will always choose you, my sunflower. My alpha already loves you without scenting you. He knows you are his mate. I know we belong together." Joong gives him the assurance as he gives him a sniff kiss. Dunk passes one towel to Joong.

"We do it together." Joong has his towel over Dunk's scent gland while Dunk has it over Joong's. They gently wipe off the scent blocker that they had applied.

It was then that Joong realized why he had never liked the usual floral and citrusy smell of most omega. His mate's scent was subtle and earthy, with a burst of sunshine. A combination of sunflower, honey and nectarine. A scent that he couldn't get enough as he buried his nose onto Dunk's scent gland. It was the scent of home.

Despite the waves of energy that comes of Phi Den, he had always found him calming, bringing him on endless adventure with his story telling. It was only fitting that he smells like the ocean breeze. A hint of sage with sea salt and an underlying woody musk that could only be described as alpha musk. It couldn't be wrong. Phi Den is his alpha, his true mate. His iris glow in a shade of gold as his omega came forth. "Alpha"

Joong's iris turns red as he heard his true mate, his omega calling him. "omega"

Joong kisses Dunk passionately. He stopped himself, trying to gain back control. He needed Dunk consenting to this, not his omega.

"Dunk, my sunflower. Come back to me." He sees the omega gold fade from Dunk's iris.

"Dunk Natachai, will you be my mate? Will you take my mark?" Dunk nodded with a smile as he kisses him. Joong deepens the kiss. He slides his tongue in, exploring every part of Dunk's oral surface. He lifts Dunk up as they continued kissing. Dunk wraps his legs around his waist. Dunk felt weightless against his alpha strength. Dunk broke the kiss, whispering to his ear that his room is the first room on the right. He playful nibs Joong's earlobe before resume kissing. Joong opens the door without breaking their kiss.

Dunk bounces off the bed as Joong drops him at the foot of the bed. He loses himself in the gaze of his alpha as he backs his way up the bed. Unable to look away as he sees his love, his desire, his lust for him as his alpha crawls towards him. Joong dives in for a kiss as he unbuttons his shirt. His lips slow work its way down his neck. He sucks at his scent gland. Dunk moaned at how sensitive it felt.

Joong pushes Dunk's shirt all the way up to his wrist, trapping his hands above his head. He dives in for another kiss as his hands explored the span of his chest. He twirls Dunk's sensitive bud between his fingers as his lips work his way down his chest. His tongue circles the other before sucking on it. Dunk arches off the bed as his fingers grab onto his shirt scrunched up at his wrist.

"Alpha please..." He doesn't know what he is begging for but Joong releases his wrist and undress the both of them. Dunk presents himself on all four as Joong loses the last of his clothing. Joong's iris flash red for a moment. He wants to savour this moment as himself so he holds his alpha back. Their first time should belong to them, not their alpha and omega. He spread his cheeks open so he has more access to his entrance. He sees slick leaking out of it. He licks it, circling his entrance with his tongue before dipping it in. It was ambrosia to him. He couldn't get enough of the sweet nectar from his mate as he sucks on it. Maybe one day, he'll eat him out but not today.

He flips Dunk over and kisses him, allowing him to taste himself. Dunk moaned as he inserts one finger into his entrance. Joong couldn't believe how wet he was for him. He thrusted it in a slow rhythm as he moves his way down to his arousal. He lay kisses on his length. He licks the precum of the slit of his length as he inserts two fingers into his entrance. Dunk moaned when he sucked the tip of length. Joong distracting him as he scissors him open. Joong takes his whole length in as inserts three fingers in. He works on his length as the same rhythm as he trusts his fingers in. Dunk was overwhelmed by the sensation as he grabs the bedsheets. He mewled when Joong hits a bundle of nerves. It brought about sensation that he has never felt before. He whined when Joong withdraws but gasps as the sensation of Joong's length enters him. He had forgotten how big an alpha shaft can be. He didn't know how it was possible to take all of his alpha's length in. All his senses narrow down on it. 

Joong tries to hold his desire back as he felt how Dunk's channel mould against his length. He can't help but moan as he felt how tight and wet he was. He panted as he was fully sheathed in. Joong lay kisses on Dunk's face as he allows him to adjust to the new sensation as his length throbbed within him. Once Dunk was ready, he kisses Joong back. Joong thrusts in slowly, working on a gentle rhythm.

"Phi Den..." he moaned when Joong hits his sweet spot. Joong rams against it again and again. His thrust growing stronger and deeper. He stroke Dunk's length according to the rhythm of his thrust.

"Alpha bite me, knot me, claim me." Dunk rambled as he felt something building within him with each thrust.

"I want to wear your mark too." Dunk couldn't believe what he hears. It was unheard off for an alpha to wear an omega's mark but it stirs a possessive desire in him. He felt Joong pushing his knot against his entrance. He couldn't help but moan at the sensation. He is nearing his edge when he heard Joong whispered to his ear breathily. 

"Come for me, my omega." 

Dunk comes on that request. His fangs lengthens and bites on Joong's shoulder. A bite so strong that it hits the bone. His channel clenched on Joong's length as he came, pushing Joong to come as his knot locks in. His fangs lengthens and bites Dunk, claiming him as his. His bite equally as strong as it hits the bone of his shoulder blade. Dunk came once against as he claimed him. 

Joong turns, letting Dunk lay on top of his as he works through the waves, coming in intervals. He licks his bite mark while he waits it out. Dunk licks his. He cleans their bite mark and wipe Dunk down when his knot went down. He spoons Dunk to sleep that night with a smile on his face.


Something didn't feel right the next morning. His mate smells of pain. When he turned him over, he saw Dunk curling in on himself. His eyes were of omega gold.

"It hurts, alpha. It hurts." He moaned as slick gushed out of him.

Dunk was in heat and it had triggered Joong's rut.      

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I'm starting to wonder whether my smut scenes are becoming one dimensional🤔🤔 But I still don't have the courage to re-read what I wrote and edit, so this is it.🤣🤣 what do you think? 

Will I write a smut scene for the next EP? I'm not really sure. It is exhausting for me to write one🤣🤣I really salute smut scene writers who can continuously pump up one. We'll see, we'll see. I can't promise. 

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