[EP 16] The fine line between acting and reality

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"Do you love me?" Win(Joong) asked Sun (Dunk). Both of them were laying on the bed. He was facing Sun (Dunk), supporting his head with his arm.

"I don't know what love is. If wanting you to be the first person I see in the morning... If wanting you to be the last person I greet at night... If wanting to spent every breathing moment with you is love, then I love you." Sun (Dunk) caressed Win's (Joong) face. Win(Joong) leaned into his touch.

"Then... may I claim ownership over you?" Win (Joong) asked before kissing Sun's (Dunk) palm. Sun (Dunk) leaned forward to claim his kiss. Win (Joong) deepened it as he unbuttoned Sun's (Dunk) shirt. He chased after Sun's (Dunk) lips as they untangled themselves from the top they were wearing. Win (Joong) slowly kissed his way down Sun's (Dunk) neck as his hands explored his chest. Sun (Dunk) couldn't help but moan at the sensation.

"CUT! CUT!" Phi Aof shouted as Joong was about to kiss Dunk's scent gland. Joong broke out of the trance he was in. He hadn't noticed his inner alpha taking over. It shocked Joong. He laughed to cover his anxiety building within him. Dunk had laughed along.

"You didn't want to stop, did you? Did you hear how many times have I told you to stop?" Phi Aof huffed

"I didn't hear cut, Phi Aof" Joong giggled. Dunk was still pinned underneath him. Joong quickly got up before his inner alpha gets a different idea. Dunk quickly puts his shirt back on. Joong moaned internally at the lost of the enticing sight of Dunk's chest. His combat training showed. He was lean yet well built, not bulky like most alpha were.

Ohm and Leng came over. "Sap maak (so hot)" Ohm teased Dunk. Dunk punched his arm playfully.

"Ai sut (hey, you animal)! Respect your mate." He reprimanded.

"Ohoo~~ I agree with him." Leng giggled. Dunk blushed. Joong began to understand the friendship among the three of them. He was glad that his sunflower had built some friendship despite the trauma that he went through. He was still curious about it but find it difficult to ask, the sight of his fear, of him hyperventilating forever ingrained in his mind.

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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A/N: Did it sound familiar? I have vague memory of it. I think I may have slightly adapted it from never let me go if memory served me right. 

No, it's not smut time yet🤣🤣still too early🤭🤭

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