[EP 12] Interlude: Phi Den and his sunflower

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Dunk had met Joong by happenstance. He had seen a flower pot that was about to fall. It was heading directly towards Joong. He had pushed him aside, pinning him to the pillar as the flower pot crashed on impact. When Joong's eyes met Dunk's, it was as if time had stopped. He had not seen anyone so beautiful. He had wondered what a high school student was doing on university ground. No one had dared to interact with him since the day he entered university. The Guntithanon name strikes fear in everyone he meets. But this kid had not only saved him but had asked if he was alright, with great concern. He pulled him towards the bench, checked him thoroughly, and gave him water.

Joong sought him out every day from then on. His presence was a breath of fresh air in the oppressive environment that he was in. That cheerful and innocent disposition of Dunk was what Joong looked forward to everyday. It was an addiction to Joong.

Dunk enjoyed Joong's excitement when he tells him stories. His excitement rivals the energy of a golden retriever. He had learnt a lot from his interaction with Joong. There was endless possibility in the imaginative world that Joong introduced him to. The university garden became their meeting point. The flowers bore witness to their budding relationship. Joong became Dunk's Phi Den, as Dunk became Joong's sunflower.

It all came to a halt when Dunk didn't appear at their usual spot. Joong had started to wonder. A day became a week, a week became a month, a month became a year. Joong had mourned the lost of his sunflower but he vowed to find him.

He will never let his sunflower out of his sight ever again.   

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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A/N: Just a little back story on how Joong met Dunk to give you all a better understanding on their dynamic. 3 EPs today. Hope you enjoy. 😊😊

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