[EP 17] a sudden threat

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On the last day of the shooting in Chiang Khan, the crew decided to have a BBQ party. To celebrate their time in Chiang Khan as well as to celebrate the end of the project. Dunk can't believe it's been 4 months. He can't believe how quiet it has been after the consecutive attacks on Joong during the first two months. Things had quiet down after Pond was involved. All the background check that they did on the crew had come back clean. It was peculiar indeed. Dunk had wanted to ask Joong when it all started but with their hectic schedule, he decided to wait until they were done with the shooting. It would be best to dive deeper into the issue once they return to Bangkok. Dunk broke out of his thought when he saw Joong looking around as if he was searching for something.

"bpen alai reu bpao (is something wrong), Phi Den?" he asked.

"I can't seem to find my phone." Joong continued to look around.

"Maybe you left it at the dressing table. I'll go get it." Dunk remembered seeing Joong playing around with it when they had their make up done for the last scene.

As Dunk walked in, he noticed things weren't right. There were 4 men dressed in black. Their eyes widen when they saw Dunk. One of them lunged forward with a knife in his hand. He disarmed him easily and snapped his neck. The other three were shocked by his action. One of them decided to pull a gun on him. Dunk used the body of the first attacker as his shield as he rushed towards him. The second attacker was shocked when the gun was no longer in his hand. Dunk had shot down two of the attackers. The last attacker slammed him with a chair. The gun was thrown across the floor. They circled around each other as the last attacker held a combat knife. He was trying to find an opening to attack Dunk. Dunk was waiting for an opportunity to disarm him.

"Dunk!" Joong shouted when he opened the door. That moment of distraction was all the attacker needed as he sliced through Dunk's arm. But Dunk was able to take control of the situation after, pinning him to the ground. He held the knife to his neck.

"Who sent you?!" Dunk demanded for answers but all the attacker did was laughed. Foam was seen coming out of his mouth. He had killed himself. It was common for mercenary to plant a poison pill within one of their teeth. 

Things may not be as simple as it seemed. Dunk thought. 

Joong was shouting at Dunk to get medical help but he was too focused on finding out who these people were. He lifted up the sleeve of one of the attackers and saw the tattoo.


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Mondschein. That was the name that came to Dunk as he stared at the tattoo in recognition.

"Dunk! You are bleeding. You need help!" Joong's eyes pleaded to Dunk. Dunk let himself be dragged away while asking Ohm to search the attackers for further evidence.


Joong looked at Dunk as the doctor attending to his wound. Dunk's face expressionless, as if a wound this deep is but a common occurrence to him. It was during times like this that he realized that his sunflower was no longer the innocent kid that he met at the university garden but the bodyguard that he hired from the Tangsakyuen clan.

"How do you feel, Dunk? Jep mai (Does it hurt)?" Joong asked in concern.

"Mai huang(don't worry), Phi Den. It's only a small wound. I'm okay. Dtae (But)... I got a question. When did all these attacks started?" Dunk could no longer sit still.

"Jing jing leow a (actually), they all started about the time when I first met you. It was always something small and unassuming. Like that flower pot that you save me from. But they have gotten bolder since I've gained fame." Dunk nodded his head, so they were targeting Joong as the heir of the Guntithanon clan then since it's been going on for so long. But it seemed that they have a deeper grudge against Joong than what it seemed on the surface.

"I will need to speak to Khun Paaw and Pa when we get home. I don't think it's as simple as we think." Sarawat and Tine had asked Dunk dropped the formality. Tine was insistent that Dunk calls him Pa as how Joong would address him. Joong beamed internally when he heard how Dunk addressed his parents. If only he could drop the Khun in front of Paaw, that will be ideal. Dunk couldn't bring himself to call Sarawat, Paaw since he is the clan alpha, so Khun Paaw it was.

Ohm had informed Dunk that there was nothing on them. The tattoo was all they could go on with. He would have to report this to Phuwin and Pond first before going to Sarawat and Tine- eliminating the Mondschein threat was the priority, while finding out who would benefit from taking the next clan alpha out of the way.

Dunk looked towards Joong. He hoped that he will find his answers soon before someone takes Phi Den's life. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: dropping 2 EPs today. finally seeing Dunk in action as Joong's bodyguard. What do you think? 

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