[EP 11] Dinner with the Guntithanons

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Phuwin may be the head of the clan but he was down to earth and a man of simple taste compared to the Guntithanons. Dunk had never really seen such luxury. He looked towards Phuwin for guidance and mirrored his every move.

"There really is no easy way to word this. I've been told that Joong and Dunk will be having intimate scenes for their series." Sarawat started. Phuwin and Pond grimaced at that.

"I can't help but say that my mate and I are a little worried on how that may affect Dunk's future, especially when it comes to relationship." Phuwin started out with a polite smile. Joong had wanted to shout that they wouldn't need to worry because Dunk will be his. But he held it in knowing that his Paaw would have his hind for such disrespectful behaviour.

"Khun Phuwin, you wouldn't need to worry. Dunk has the Guntithanon name to back him up. We will not let Dunk be affected by this. I'll send you a list of available bachelors or bachelorettes  for your approval and Dunk to pick according to his liking." Joong glared at his Pa. He may understand the need to sooth Pond and Phuwin's worry but he couldn't help the uncurrent jealousy that brew within him. He took in a deep breath to calm his inner alpha.

They moved to an easy conversation from then on. The ice was broken when they got to know that Pond, Phuwin and Joong were actually of the same age. Pond had once attended the same university as Joong.

"I used to study biomedical engineering. Dunk would usually wait for me after school. I have no idea how he spends his time at the university." Pond laughed while Dunk smiled. It couldn't be wrong then. Joong thought.

"The university garden is beautiful, Pond. You can spend hours getting lost in it." Joong commented. He saw a flash of recognition in Dunk.

"I used to spend hours there. There was a kid who shared the same interest as me. We would spend hours talking about everything and anything." Dunk tilted his head, looking at Joong in confusion.

"Did you mean to tell me I paid your fees for you to stare at flowers?" Sarawat huffed.

"I studied performing arts, Paaw. I need to observe people and everything around me. It's part of the course." Joong defended himself. Dunk was stunned at that revelation. His dream flashed across his mind.

"You would have graduated at the same time as Joong then. Your parents would be proud." Tine tried to pull the conversation back to Pond.

"Oh, I didn't. Something happened, so there was a change in plans." Pond wore a forced smile.

"Speaking of parents, how did you become Dunk's appointed guardian?" Sarawat asked. Dunk dropped his spoon. It looked as if he was hyperventilating.

"Please excuse us." Pond guided Dunk away from the table. Joong had wanted to chase after them but Tine's pointed look stopped him.

"Please excuse my mate's crass question. He puts his foot in his mouth sometimes" Tine glared at Sarawat. Sarawat suddenly found his food really interesting.

"Mai bpen rai (it's okay)." Phuwin smiled politely.

"Do you know what happened?" Joong was too curious to keep quiet.

"Jing jing leow, phom mei ruu na khup(I don't know actually). But suffice to say it's traumatic to the both of them that even my mate finds it difficult to tell." Phuwin sighed. Joong looked towards the direction that Pond and Dunk left. 


Dunk breathed in the night air, taking in the view of the garden of the Guntithanon clan house. The balcony offered a good view of it. He had asked Pond to give him some space to quiet his thoughts. It had been 7 long years but the memory still fresh in his mind. He heard footsteps walking towards him. He saw Joong took a seat beside him on the bench. He didn't say anything at first. He slowly pointed towards the garden, telling him what flowers were planted. He told him of the view during sunrise, how the sun would cast a golden hue across the garden. Dunk could imagine how beautiful it would be. A smile graced his face.

"You look good in a smile. Smile more, my sunflower." Dunk's eyes widen at that nickname.

"Phi Den?" he whispered. Joong hugged him.

"You remember, my sunflower. You remember! I thought I lost you! I thought I lost you. Never again, my sunflower. I will never lose you again." Joong clutched Dunk tightly in his embrace, a hand behind his head, another on his waist. They heard Phuwin calling to Dunk, saying that it's time to leave. Joong puts a sunflower keychain in Dunk's hand, reminding Dunk to smile more as he held his chin.

 Joong puts a sunflower keychain in Dunk's hand, reminding Dunk to smile more as he held his chin

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 Dunk had a hard time digesting what happened. He sat there as Joong walked away. Phuwin had noticed their interaction. He had saw that hug. He sighed, afraid that Dunk will be up for a heart break.

"Whatever you do, Dunk. Don't fall for him. That alpha will never be yours." Phuwin warned Dunk.

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Can't believe I've managed 3 EPs today. how are you liking it so far? Dunk finally knows who Joong is🤭🤭

Happy Lunar New Year to those who are celebrating. 

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