[EP 13] Parents' Concern

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"Bunny, don't be angry. I needed to know Dunk's background looking at our son's infatuation with him." Sarawat pleaded to Tine. Tine huffed.

"But something does feel really odd with Pond and Phuwin... It may not be as hopeless as we think it is." Tine was deep in thought.

"What do you mean?" Sarawat was curious at this point.

"Hypothetically... say your son is acting in an intimate scene with an alpha. Would you be more concerned about your son's future relationship if he was a beta or an omega? Would you be concerned at all if he is a beta?" Tine voiced out the thoughts in his head. 

"It wouldn't matter if he is a beta. But if he is an omega, his true mate might not accept him." Sarawat's eyes widen at this possibility.

"If my hunch is right, how do feel about Dunk being an omega?" Tine asked his mate as he is currently Joong's bodyguard.

"Finally, someone who can put Joong in his place. And a strong omega at that. Did you see how he put down the elite team?" Sarawat's said in wonder.

"Imagine rubbing that in the elders face that an omega best the elite team." Tine snickered.

"We better act fast before the Tangsakyuen clan decides to arrange a mating for him" Sarawat suddenly panicked.

"Mai huang (don't worry). He's already protected under the Guntithanon name. They would need to run through us if they want to arrange anything. If not, we can always ask Khajornborirak clan for support. You know my cousin, Phi Meen will always be willing to help an omega in need" Tine dispersed Sarawat's worry.

Sarawat breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, someone who can handle that spoiled child of his. The issue left is the threat made against his son. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Just felt the need to put in Sarawat and Tine's perspective. Tine is so smart🤭🤭 

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