[EP 29] can I stay 🔞🔞

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Joong grunted as he rammed his knot into his omega once more. His omega mewled at the sensation. He felt his slick rushed against his length, as his omega's cum splashed across the bed as he came. Joong's cum was leaking out his entrance despite his knot locking in tight. It had been too many rounds between his rut and his omega's heat. 

He gently rolled his omega to lay on his side along with him as they remain tied. He reached towards the dresser for the bottle of water and he carefully fed it to his omega. He chucked down the rest of it when his omega was done. He fed the granola bar to his omega, as he nibble on it. The alpha in him made sure that his omega was properly fed and hydrated through their breaks. He laid a kiss to his shoulder when he was done.

It was lucky that the house was well stocked. Dunk had mentioned that it was most likely Pond who stocked the food in the house. He heard his omega moan when another bout of cum filled his omega. Joong rocked in with shallow thrusts. He was slowly losing the alpha red in his iris, just as Dunk still had a light tinge of omega gold. They were reaching the tail end of their rut and heat.  They had practically f*cked on every surface of Dunk's room- against the door, on the cabinet, against the window, the bed goes without saying. It was a mess. Joong laid a light kiss on Dunk's temple as he nap. 


Dunk was relieved when his heat and Joong's rut finally ended. Joong had filled up the tub with warm water. He carries Dunk over and laid him in it. Dunk couldn't help but moan as it was soothing against his sore muscle and abused hole. Joong climbed in and sat behind him. Dunk laid against Joong's chest as Joong runs a wet towel across his body. Dunk wished they could stay here forever- just the two them. He didn't feel like facing the world.

"Penny for your thoughts, my sunflower." Joong kissed his bite mark. Dunk shuddered.

"I wish we could stay here forever, just the two of us." Dunk said quietly as he stared into the mirror in front of them. They looked tired but yet happy and so in love.

"I would love to but my parents would be worried. Mai huang na (don't worry). My parents love you like their son so it won't be an issue at all." He laid a kiss to his temple.

"But the elders..."

"They can't deny a true mate's bond. That would be absurd." It's true but it didn't take away the fact that Dunk is a rogue. The Tangsakyuen clan had reluctantly accepted Pond but he is an alpha. The Guntithanon clan is much bigger and influential compared to the Tangsakyuen clan. Dunk don't think their perception towards omega is much better than the elders in the Tangsakyuen clan.

"Phi Den..." Dunk moaned as Joong stroke his shaft to distract him.

"If you have energy to think about all those nonsense in your head, you'll have energy for me." Joong grinned as he slides into his wet heat. He moaned at the sensation. Dunk was still tight despite all that they had done for the last 3 days. He sees Dunk's look of pleasure reflecting back at the mirror.

"Open your eyes, my sunflower. I want you to see how beautiful you are when we are making love." Dunk blushed at Joong's request. He looked at their flushed face due to their arousal but he was focusing more on Joong. His look of ecstasy as he rocks into him, chasing his pleasure. Dunk had locked gazed with Joong. He was unable to look away. There was something about his gaze that held him in place. He moaned when his mate thrusted harder and deeper into him. He held on through his half hooded eyes, never losing the gaze on his mate. Joong began to pump his shaft as he kissed his nape without letting go of his gaze. Joong knows that look. He can't help but commands Dunk, "come for me"

His mate could no longer able to keep his gaze on the mirror. He lays his head on his shoulder. He arches off his chest as he shoots his cum. It was a beautiful sight. There was something about seeing Dunk come on his command that has his inner alpha beaming with pride. He comes as he locks his knot in. He pumps waves after waves of cum, filling his mate until there was a small bulge in his lower abdomen. His inner alpha rumbles as he imagines his mate with pup. He hears his omega purr in response. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I relented in the end...kinda felt that Joong's alpha and Dunk's omega needed their moment.. but I dunno what to make of it.🫣🫣 You all decide for yourself. I still have yet to get used to writing smut.  

At the beginning when Joong fed Dunk, that isn't really a break. I just slot it in because I felt it was the right moment. They really do have a break break if you get what I mean. 🤣🤣 No, I still don't re-read my smut scenes. I hope you know where one I'm referring to.  

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