Chapter 9 - Still Got It...bad

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I am not quite sure where I am right now. I know I am in my mind, but it's as if I am in space. I see stars, galaxies, and planets all around me. Maybe it's a projection of what the stones want me to see. I thought it was my body running out of energy, but I think the stones brought me here. Far off in the distance, I see bright shining lights. Two flashing lights are shining bright from one location and it seems pretty close.  Then far off in the distance, I see two different flashing lights in different areas. One of those lights seems to be moving, very very slowly, but it's moving.

I start to feel pulses in my arm. I look and see two strange glowing auras running down my shoulder to my hand. It looks like I have two shiny veins running along my arm and it stops at my knuckles. One is red and the other is yellow. I assume it's the stones. Thinking about it now, the lights I see far in the distance all have a unique color. The two I see near me are green and blue. The other two I think are purple and orange. Am I staring at the location of the stones?

"Y/N..." I begin to hear my name be called out very faintly. I look around and there is nothing. "Y/N." I hear once more but now the voice is right behind me. I quickly turn around and I stare at her with a confused look on my face.

Wanda POV

"Wanda can I talk to you." I hear Maria call out to me as I come out from Y/N's medical room.

"Maria yes, hi. Is everything ok?"

"Well, I just wanted to check on you. I heard what Kate was saying to you. I know she is scared, but I think she was being unfair."

"Oh, it's ok. I won't hold it against her. I know she is worried about Yelena. I can't really be mad at her... maybe she is right."

"Well we should have had everyone involved, but you nor Y/N are to solely blame. Nat and I knew, but she was still taken from me. Just don't dwell on it too much. I just wanted to check on you before I left. I know my sister is in good hands with you by her side, but I will still ask if you could please watch Y/N."

"Of course I will Maria. You don't need to worry about her. Please just focus on finding the red room. I know she will wake up soon. I've, I've called Jean. She is also a telepath so I think maybe she can help. Plus I think she shares a connection with Y/N."

"Wow ok, are you ok with this Wanda? This could maybe bring back some feelings for Y/N."

"Well I hope it doesn't, but I will do anything for Y/N. I need her to wake up."

"Thank you, Wanda, for putting my sister first. I truly appreciate you, but can I say something?" I simply just nod at her.

"Please don't take this personally, but I know jealousy can get the better of us sometimes. Like I've said before Wanda, my sister is utterly and undoubtedly in love with you and you have nothing to worry about. I know you two are it for each other. You don't need a telepathic connection because the connection you both share through your love for one another is more powerful than any else. Don't let anyone or anything steer you away from that. In the end, it will always be you and Y/N." I quickly get up and go to hug Maria.

"Thank you, Maria. Thank you for being so accepting of me. I know we had a rough start but I truly appreciate the relationship we have now. You are my family and I truly do love you like a sister."

"So do I Wanda. I love you and I think it's safe to say we will be sisters-in-law soon, but you are my family already Wanda." A wide smile appears on my face. Hearing Maria call me her family really does make me happy. I really can't wait to marry Y/N.

"So, you are going to Florida now?" 

"Yeah, Sharon has been trying to trace any anomalies in the sky, so I am going over there to help. I am taking Kate with me so she can distract herself. I will also talk to her. Please let me know if there are any updates with Y/N or if you need me for anything."

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