Chapter 17 - Sweet Nothing

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Wanda and I engaged in a lengthy conversation well into the night upon our return to the compound. She urged me to tell Maria immediately, but I hesitated, not wanting to disrupt her night. Instead, I teleported Nat and Maria to my old house so that they could enjoy some alone time. I also helped Kate get back to her home with Yelena. The last thing they need right now is to worry about me.

This morning, I tasked FRIDAY with gathering any available information on Stephen Strange. I was able to go into his mind before he vanished. Besides the fact that he is some kind of doctor, the only other thing information I was able to gather was the image of a woman etched deeply in his thoughts. With the intensity of his emotions, I assume it may be his wife or someone he is really in love with. Her name is Dr. Christine Palmer. I may have to pay her a visit if I can't find anything else on Strange. Thanks to FRIDAY, I know she works at a nearby hospital.

Vision found me in the research room and knew something was wrong, so I explained what happened. "He was able to freeze time, but you were not affected?"

"No it didn't affect me and Wanda was able to slowly break out of it. It caught him off guard and I sensed a bit of his fear. I don't blame him, but it was strange... Ha! I have to stop with that."

"It is funny because you are describing that the situation was strange and his last name is in fact, Strange."

"Exactly Vis. I am glad you understand my humor."

"Yes, it is funny." I can't help but laugh at Vision as he chuckles. He is great.

"So will you still go to Asgard then?" Vision says in a worrisome tone.

"What do you think I should do Vis because I honestly don't know."

"I don't know if there is a right thing to do Y/N. If you visit Asgard there is a chance you will be in danger from Thanos. Now that Thor has people looking for him, there is a chance that Thanos may go to Asgard to find out why Thor has sent people for him. Of course, it is not certain, but there is now a probability of it. Not to mention that Loki is also there. If you don't go, this Dr. Strange will be on the hunt for you, and although he may not be a threat, we have to consider that more and more entities are now gaining knowledge of who you are."

"Vision why does it feel like my life is getting more and more complicated every day? I feel like I'm slowly drowning in all of these things. Just when I feel like I can come up for air, another wave comes and hits me. I couldn't even enjoy my sister's engagement." I say as I sit down on a chair with my body slumped down. I hold my face in my hands as I try to contain my tears. I feel Vision take a seat by me and he places his hand on my shoulder.

"As long as you remember that you are surrounded by people who love you Y/N, you will never drown. You have to remember that you are not alone. Plus, I would never let you drown."

"Thank you Vision." I say in almost a whisper as I try to hold my emotion intact.

"Y/n, please forgive me. I didn't mean to ask you a question that would cause you more stress. I should have just given you a straight answer. I think you go to Asgard and see what Odin has to say. I think that is our best bet to moving forward with this situation." Vision says finally deciding to tell me what he thinks is best.

"Please don't apologize Vis. You always give me all the facts and I appreciate that. I will go to Asgard then. Will you try and track down Strange?"

"Of course."

"Please update Tony and Steve. I am going to head up with Wanda, she just woke up."

"Of course Y/N. I will check in on you later."

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