Chapter 30 - Lost Times

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Tony's POV

"This thing on?" I tap my helmet and it scans my face

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"This thing on?" I tap my helmet and it scans my face. I lean against the wall while taking deep breaths.

"Hey, Miss Potts... Pep. If you find this recording, don't post it on social media. It's gonna be a real tear-jerker. I don't know if you're ever going to see these. I don't even know if you're... if you're still... Oh god, I hope so. Today is day 21, uh 22." I get up and stand at a window, staring into space. My body is weak and I feel like these might be my final moments.

"You know, if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into a void of space, I'd say I'm feeling better today. The infection's run its course, Thanks to the blue meanie back there." I look back at Nebula sitting in the back of the ship.

"You'd love her. Very practical. Only a tiny bit sadistic. She reminds me of Y/N when we first met her. Do you remember that?" I let out sight thinking of Y/N.

"I really hope she is ok...I miss her. I miss you. I miss...cheeseburgers. We're 1000 light years from the nearest 7-11. Oxygen will run out tomorrow. And that'll be it. And Pep, I ... I know I said no more surprises, but I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like... well you know what it looks like. Don't feel bad about this. I mean, if you grovel for a couple of weeks, and then move on with enormous guilt. I should probably lie down. Please know that... when I drift off, I will think about you. Because it's always you."

I turn off the busted helmet and lean back as I begin to feel tired. My eyes start feeling heavy, and keeping them open gets harder. I feel Nebula by my side but I am too weak to look at her. I know this is it. I see the light. Wow, it getting brighter and brighter. Am I really going to—...

"Tony." I hear nebula and I forcefully open my eyes.

"Who is that?" Nebula asks and I have to shield my eyes from the bright light. I am happy to be seeing her face floating in front of me right now. That can only mean one thing.

"Our ticket home," A small smile begins to grow on my face as I stare at Carol. 

Nat's POV

Nat's POV

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