Chapter 16 - Simple Times

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"Ok, where do we start?" Nat asks as we stand in one of Tony's condos that he let us borrow. Thankfully Nat was able to convince him.

"Well...we don't. Just give me a second." With a snap of my fingers, I transform the room into a breathtaking spectacle. Dangling lights cascade from every corner casting a soft glow that will shine brighter as the sun sets. Intricate decorations of flowers and vines adorn the ceiling, creating a forest ambiance. The dining table matches the theme with nature-inspired elements placed on top. As the blinds are drawn open, we get an amazing panoramic view of New York City. In the living room, I've set up cozy blankets and pillows arranged on the spacious sofa so we can all enjoy a movie. The setup ensures that everyone can relax in comfort as we immerse ourselves in the film, with the bonus of witnessing the spectacular sunset that is sure to paint the sky with vibrant hues.

"Whoa, Y/N this is amazing. This is exactly what I was thinking, how did you...wait did you-..."

"No Lena of course I didn't go in your mind...but your thoughts were loud. You were so excited I could hear your thoughts. Sorry."

"It's ok Y/N, this is perfect. Thank you. Wait, you did everything and this was my idea! I wanted to decorate too!" Yelena now complains as she starts hanging up more lights that she brought with her.

"Lena, you can tell Kate you did everything, but we have to go. I only have a few minutes until Wanda figures out I am not there."

"Wait, why did I have to come with you two then?" Nat now complains.

"Well, I thought it would be good for us to discuss how we were going to bring Maria, Kate, and Wanda without them figuring it out." I defend.

"Aren't you just going to teleport us here?" Nat asks rhetorically.

"Nat! Yes probably...I just wanted you to come with us, that's all." Nat rolls her eyes at my response.

"I can't believe I have to deal with you two right now."

"Well, can you at least help your sister Nat? I am not kidding, I can feel Wanda looking for me and I am blaming you both!"

"Ok ok, I am done. I am telling Kate I did all of this!" Yelena says as she finishes hanging up the lights.

"Yes fine I don't mind. Can you go back now!?"

"Yes yes let's go. We don't witchy destroying the city just to find you." I give Yelena an unamused look. They both hold onto me and I teleport us back to Yelena's room.

"Ok Lena go get Kate and Nat go get Maria and wait for me down in the comment room. 10 minutes." They both give me a nod and we all take off.

I start making my way to my room. After the talk with Maria, I now feel a bit lighter with my stress. I don't think I imagined telling Maria about my situation in the way I did, but I don't think there was a right way. Whatever the circumstances I am beyond lucky to have a sister like Maria. Our bond is beyond anything I can have ever dreamed of and I am so happy to have her by my side supporting me the way she does.

Right now I do find myself in another dilemma. I know Wanda is not mad, but I know she is not fond of me leaving Asgard. I know that going to Asgard is something I have to do. I have to get to the bottom of finding out who I am. The faster I can discover my full potential, the faster my mind will be at ease. I will be able to keep everyone I love safe.

I reach my room but she is not there. I immediately make my way to her room and I feel here. "Wands, can I come in?" The door opens and Wanda is curled up in her bed overcome with emotions. "My love, please don't cry."

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