Chapter 18 - Make You Mine

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Wanda's POV

These days have been so hard for me to get through. I can only hope that everything is ok with Y/N. I can't connect with her, but I can feel her. That gives me some ease.

Kate hasn't been doing so great either. I can feel her sadness, but she puts on a brave face. We both have been keeping our minds busy by checking on Peter. Tony said he didn't want us to get involved so we aren't, but we have spied on him and have witnessed him take down a few bad guys. He really is a strong kid.  We met his Aunt and she is a lovely woman.

Kate also introduced me to her mom. She is very intimidating, the total opposite of Kate. I get the feeling that she is not a fan of Yelena with the way she speaks about her. She is respectful but I can tell she is not happy with the relationship Kate and Yelena have. I've asked Kate about it, but she seems to not want to talk about it, so I don't push the subject.

"So Wanda, will today be the day? I feel like this hair color would really go with you." Kate says as she shows me a picture from a magazine. I look at the model's hair color and I just stare at Kate with an unsure face.

"What color would you dye your hair?" I ask trying to deflect the conversation.

"I am not too sure. I would like to try a light brown but I am still not sure."

"Mr. Stark has requested that you both meet him in the conference room." FRIDAY announces and Kate rolls her eyes.

"What now? This the second time he ruins my plans to dye my hair." Kate says and I on the other hand am happy for this interruption.

"We will be right there FRIDAY. C'mon Kate let's go."

"Mr. Stark also wanted me to inform you that Ms. Jean Grey will also be there." FRIDAY says and now I feel annoyed. Although I am still thankful for how she helped with Y/N, her feelings for Y/N are still very much present and I can't seem to get passed that.

"Why is she here?" Kate asks a bit annoyed.

"That is the same thing I am asking... Kate, I know why I'm not a fan of Jean, but why do you seem irritated with her?" I ask as we make our way to the conference room.

"It's something about her. It's like she has this fake persona. I can tell deep down she wants Y/N back. I may not have superpowers, but I feel like I am a good judge of character. Jean just doesn't seem genuine to me."

"And that is why you are my best friend Bishop." I say with a wide smile and Kate chuckles at my reaction.

We see Jean in conversation with Stark as we arrive and I can't seem to hide the annoyed look on my face. "Hello, Jean. Nice to see you." I say trying my best to sound convincing.

"Hello, Wanda... and Kate Bishop right? We met briefly at the party."

"Yup, that's me. Hello Jean." Kate says a bit coldly.

"Well, Jean is here because it is official that we will be working together. The documents are signed, but the only one missing is Y/N's." Tony says.

"Where is Y/N? I can' feel her." Jean asks and I try my best to keep my emotions at ease. The same can't be said for Kate.

"Feel her? What does that even mean?" Kate says in an irritated tone. I place my hand on Kate's shoulder to try and calm her. Although I love that she is giving Jean a hard time, I don't want Y/N to come back and have to deal with this tension.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way, but I know she was excited about the program so I was just wondering if she was ok...since she is not here."

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