Chapter 14 - Bad Dream

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Upon our arrival, I am relieved to see Tony and Bruce already there. Their startled expressions swiftly transform into urgency as they observe me carrying an unconscious Sam. They both rush over to us, ready to help take care of Sam.

"We got him Y/N. We already have everything ready." Tony says as Bruce places Sam on a bed hurrying to connect him to their medical devices.

"Thank you, Tony."

"Y/N, don't you at least want to make sure everything is ok with you? I know you have healing powers now but maybe we should just double-check?" Kate suggests, catching me off guard.

"Um no, I think I am-..." I try to reply but I'm immediately cut off.

"Kate is absolutely right Y/N. Thank you for that Kate. Bruce do yo-..."

"YOU'RE BACK!" The three of us turn and I smile widely seeing three of my favorite people there.

"Love! Oh my gosh." Kate can no longer hold herself back. She rushes over to Yelena practically jumping on her. Yelena catches her without a problem and wraps her arms around her.

"I am ok love. I am so happy to see you." We hear Yelena and she quickly glances over to Wanda and me.

I see Yelena whisper something to Kate as Nat and Maria make their way over towards us. Maria comes directly for me and wraps me up in a hug. Nat goes straight for Wanda and doesn't even hesitate to hug her.

"I am so glad you are back Y/N. What happened to your suite?" Maria asks, at the same time I hear Nat thanking Wanda for saving her and Yelena.

"Um...well I found out I have healing powers now that I have 3 stones." I notice Kate and Wanda share glances wondering if I am going to tell the truth and I see Maria connecting the dots.

"Ok that is cool...but, how did you find that out?" Maria asks, now giving me a stern look.

"Ok, ok...don't freak out please, because I am fine now."


"But...I kinda got stabbed pretty badly."

"Oh my gosh Y/N. That is your blood all over Wanda and you. Y/N where is your wound?"

"Ria...I heald. I have healing powers."

"Y/N you got stabbed. There is so much dried blood on you, what happened? You had a good plan."

"How was it a good plan to have Thor babysit me until the fight was over?" Wanda asks a bit annoyed.

"Babysit? Y/N you didn't..." Maria can only let out a huff as I see her frustration build. "Y/N the plan was to have you, Vision and Wanda use your powers to take the chitauri down? What happened?" Now Wanda glares at me hearing that the original plan did include her. I guess our moment on the jet will be completely forgotten.

"Not forgotten Y/N, I assume you just forgot to mention that part to me." I hear Wanda in my mind but I don't dare to look at her.

"Ok ok, can we please pause for a second? Thankfully everyone is ok. Y/N is ok. So why is everyone getting angry at my best friend?" Yelena tries to rescue me but fails as everyone but Kate turns to glare at her. "Whoa ok, well I tried. Y/N I am sorry. I have to take Kate to review this laceration on her arm. Good luck Y/N." Yelena quickly pulls Kate and they both hurry out.

"Yeah thanks, Lena."

"No problem bestie. Come find me after please." Yelena shouts as they both disappear into a room.

"Y/N we make plans for a reason. This time, sure, things ended well, but next time it may not. We have to stick to the plan unless we have no other option. You have to take being a leader seriously. You can't let your emotions get in the way like that." Maria continues to yell out at me and I just stand there taking it all in.

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