Chapter 35 - Space Cowboys

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Two weeks had passed since we began our rigorous training regimen. I had spent the days sharpening my combat skills, revisiting the techniques and instincts I had honed long before I ever possessed my powers. Even without my abilities, I moved with a fluidity and precision that marked me as a seasoned fighter.

Despite our collective skills, the team had initially struggled to be in sync. Steve, ever the leader, had implemented every team-building exercise he could think of to foster trust and unity. Slowly but surely, we began to operate as a single, cohesive unit.

The training sessions were intense. Kate, Nat, Nebula, Rocket, and I worked on our combat and weapon skills, each pushing the other to be better. Scott, in his ant-sized form, often perched on my shoulder, ready to provide assistance or sneak into small, hard-to-reach places. Steve and Bruce, now the formidable Smart-Hulk, brought unparalleled strength to the team. Carol, Vision, Tony, and Rhodey patrolled the skies, their aerial prowess adding another layer of tactical advantage.

The day before our mission, Steve decided we all needed a break. A chance to rest, to recharge, to gather our thoughts. For most of us, it was a welcome reprieve from the relentless training and strategizing. But for Kate, it was an opportunity to address something she had been putting off—talking to her mother about the mission. Kate talked to me about the problems she had been having with her mom. She had hoped that after the snap Kate would decide to step back from being an Avenger. Now, these past months, Kate has hardly gone home and her mother was upset.   

"Y/N, would you come with me? Please! I could use the support," Kate asked, her eyes pleading.

"Of course, Kate. I'm here for you," I replied, squeezing her hand. I was a bit nervous since I had not met her mom yet. 

We traveled to the heart of the city, arriving at her mother's luxurious condo. Eleanor Bishop was a stern woman, her demeanor cold and calculating, but the love she had for Kate was evident. She just wanted to protect her and that is something I can understand. As we entered, I could sense the tension between them.

"Mom, we need to talk," Kate said, her voice firm but tinged with nerves

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"Mom, we need to talk," Kate said, her voice firm but tinged with nerves.

Eleanor looked up from her desk, her eyes narrowing, and then she looked at me. "About what, Kate? You finally come to see me and it's only to ask me for something? And who is this? Is this your new girlfriend?" She asked pointing at me. My eyes widened as I glanced at Kate. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to say anything. 

"What? No. This is Y/N. She is my best friend."

"Oh. Well my apologies. Nice to meet you Y/N."  Eleanor said she got up to shake my hand. 

"Nice to meet you ma'am. You have a lovely home." I said, trying to keep the conversation light.

"Thank you. Are you an Avenger too?" She couldn't hide her distaste as she mentioned the word "Avenger". 

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