Chapter 27 - Pain is Inevitable

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Although we weren't going far, It probably wasn't a good idea to leave the hotel without letting anyone know

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Although we weren't going far, It probably wasn't a good idea to leave the hotel without letting anyone know. We had been out all evening exploring the beautiful streets of Edinburgh. The street lights were now on and the lights of the buildings were casting a glow on the cobblestone roads. Wanda and I walked hand in hand, stealing glances at each other. Seeing the smile on my fiancé's face was priceless as she admired the quaint little shops. The night was perfect and nothing could ruin it... or so I'd hoped.

We stopped in front of a small shop when I felt a sudden, intense pain in my head. "Crap. Wands, I think the stones are pulling me in," I whispered, my head pounding. The pain was becoming unbearable.

"Pulling you in? how?" I was unable to answer Wanda as I started getting dizzy. I held onto her as I began to stumble. "Hey, baby, it's okay. I will help you. Come sit here," Wanda said, guiding me to a bench hidden from the main road. "I'm going to try and ease your pain, okay?"

I nodded in agreement and then felt Wanda's magic surge through me, but it was too late. I shut my eyes, and when I opened them, I was back in my mind.

As I awoke, I was surrounded by the green aura showing me images again. This time, it was the same one all around me. Now I understand that the stones are warning me. I start to worry watching the image play in front of me. Thanos was holding the green woman from before and tossed her off a cliff like a rag doll. I watched in disbelief before a bright orange light blinded me. I lifted my hands to shield my face, only to find Thanos standing right in front of me. I was not sure if he could see me because he was not moving.

After a moment, I felt his presence. He was there with me. I don't know how this could happen. A menacing smile appeared on his face as he looked down at my arm, and so did I. All the stones were shining brightly. I looked back at him and saw two stones on his gauntlet.

"I found you."

I heard him say, but his mouth never moved. He lunged at me but Wanda's red wisps pulled me back to reality just in time.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Wanda shook me as I finally opened my eyes.

"Shit. What the hell was that?" I muttered, trying to regain my composure.

"Y/N, I don't know. We need to get back to the hotel." Wanda lifted me, and we started walking, but I stopped abruptly.

My attention was drawn to a television inside a store, announcing another invasion in New York and the disappearance of Tony Stark. My heart sank as I watched the images of Tony fighting alongside Strange and Wong. Another image flashed on the screen, this time of Peter in his Spider-Man suit and I began to panic. He was alongside Tony fighting with some alien entities.

"Y/N, what are they?" Wanda questioned.

"What the stone was warning me about. Wands, I have to go there now. I have to make sure Peter is okay. I-I have to—"

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