Chapter 19 - Mastermind

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I begin to wake up and feel someone lying next to me. Being that my mind is still a bit fuzzy, my body out of instinct turns towards the person next to me and I wrap my arm around them. As soon as my hand lands on their body, it's like an alarm goes off in my mind. I immediately know that is not Wanda by my side. I quickly look down and see a small smile on Jean's face as she continues to sleep cuddled up on me. I quickly, but softly, get out of bed making sure not to wake her. I run out of the room and go look for Wanda. I make my way down toward med-bay but I freeze as I spot her in the kitchen. She is in a deep conversation with Vision, but what bothers me is her hand that seems to be lingering on his arm in a flirty way.

"Wanda." I say, almost shouting in an irritated tone.

"Oh good morning Y/N. Did you need something?" I can't seem to feel her emotions. I can sense her, but not what she is feeling. I see it though, through her body language, I am a total stranger to her. This hurts like hell, but I won't give up on her. I need to figure out what happened.

"Yes, I need you to go back to Bruce so we can run more scans."

"Um...why? Bruce said I was fine. He let me leave last night."

"You are not fine my-...Wanda. Your mind is-..."

"Y/N, Wanda got the clear from Bruce. Can I talk to you for a moment?" I turn to look at Kate as she cuts me off.

"Y/N, you seem stressed. I appreciate the sudden care you have for me, but don't worry about me ok? I am fine." Wanda says as she turns to go back with Vision. Vision quickly glances at me to say something but I turn and walk away. Wanda flirting with Vision is not something I want to see right now.

"What is it, Kate? Why would you stop me?" I say a bit coldly.

"Y/N, Bruce thinks it is not good for her recovery if we bombard her with all this information. I know you want to get Wanda back quickly, but Bruce said we have to let it happen naturally. Bruce confirmed that Wanda does not have a chip in her mind or anything physical in her brain. This is all because of the hit to the head. Bruce hopes she will slowly begin to remember." Kate explains as Yelena now stands beside me.

"So I am just supposed to sit here and watch her flirt with Vision?"

"Yeah, that is odd. I don't know what you should do about that. Maybe send Vision away?" Yelena says while trying to ease the situation.

"No, it's kinda cute actually. You can't send him away. Wanda needs someone." Yelena and I both quickly turn to look at Kate. I can tell Yelena is confused about what Kate is saying, but I think she is more worried about my reaction.

"Love, let's go see Bruce. You need another check-up." I scoff thinking that Yelena is just messing around, but I see the seriousness in Yelena's eyes.

"What happened to Kate?"

"She has been having dizzy spells. She also took a hard hit to the head during the mission, but thankfully it didn't cause too much damage. Last night she had a hard time sleeping. She kept having nightmares."

"Oh...I am sorry Kate."

"I am fine Y/N. Stop stressing about Wanda. She will snap out of it soon. I think maybe you should hang out with Jean. Maybe work on rebuilding your relationship with know, so you don't drive yourself crazy watching Wanda throw herself at Vision."

"My relationship with Jean?"

"Ok love, I think we should need to check your brain quickly, it seems to be getting worse." Yelena interjects as she starts pulling Kate away.

"Let me know if you need anything, Yelena. I am just gonna be in my room wallowing in my pain."

"Are you sure Y/N? Maybe you should talk to Bruce." Yelena says as she tries her best to help me.

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