Chapter 23 - Golden Hour

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As I lie here, the morning light filtering through the curtains, I can't help but marvel at Wanda's beauty

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As I lie here, the morning light filtering through the curtains, I can't help but marvel at Wanda's beauty. It has been a week here in the safe house and I have been loving every single second of it. Wanda and I have had nothing but time to do anything and everything we want. It truly has been paradise being here with her. We have taken the time just to enjoy each other.

The desire to make her my wife grows stronger with each passing day, yet a sense of hesitation gnaws at me. Although time feels different for us Avengers, always uncertain, maybe it's wiser to wait a little longer.

"Baby, your thoughts are so loud," Wanda murmurs, adjusting herself on top of me. I flush with embarrassment, forgetting momentarily about her telepathic abilities. Surely, she heard every doubt in my mind.

"Sorry, my love. Good morning," I say, trying to mask my unease.

"I'd say yes, you know," Wanda replies softly. "I know it feels soon, but I'd marry you in an instant."

"Thank you, my love. I just want to give you the best proposal. I want to make sure I earn the 'Maximoff' name." I panic as I feel her tense up at the end of my sentence. Crap did I say something wrong? Does she not want me to take her name? "Or not... I was just messing around."

She quickly moves to straddle me and stares deep into my eyes. I lay there as she keeps me still and I can only assume she is looking for any glint of deception in my words. "You want to be a Maximoff?"

Realization dawns on me, and a wide grin spreads across my face as I wrap my arms around her waist. I nod eagerly. "If you're okay with it. I don't want to pressure you, but—..."

Before I can finish, Wanda kisses me with such passion that words become unnecessary. We pause, catching our breath, and I gaze lovingly into her bright emerald eyes.

"Y/N, I can't wait for you to take my name," she says, her voice trembling with emotion. "I never just makes me so happy. I mean, it never really mattered which name, as long as we were together. But you wanting to take my last name fills my heart with such happiness." Tears well up in her eyes, and I gently wipe them away. "Please hurry up and make me your wife."

"I will, my love." I quickly hold her and flip us around. I now hover over her and give her one last kiss. "Now, as much as I'd like to stay in this bed with you, perhaps we should check on our neighbors and fit in some training sessions. Well, maybe training can wait 'till tomorrow. I'm exhausted," I chuckle, earning a nod from Wanda.

"That sounds like a plan. Shall we save some water and shower together?" Wanda asks but I don't even give her time to react. I quickly teleported us to the shower that I had already turned on with my power. "Wow, I don't think I had even finished asking you the question."

"My love I am forcing myself to get out of bed. So if I get to have you for a bit longer in the shower, I will take that." I begin to run my hands down her back. I have her body pressed on me and the warm water feels amazing as it falls on our bodies.

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