Chapter 13 - Pretty Thoughts

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Wanda's POV

We finally arrive at the quinjet and Y/N passes out but I surprisingly don't begin to panic. I can still feel her and I know she is ok. I watch as Vision lays Y/N down on the medical table and he rips her suit to get a better look at the wound. He quickly starts cleaning the area and I see the puzzled look on his face.

"Vision, what is it?"

"She has healed." Vision says and I take a step closer to see the wound. I understand now that this is why my tension seemed to be at ease. Although I am happy Y/N can now heal herself, the initial worry I had still left a scar on me. The sight of seeing Y/N almost...I just don't want to think about it anymore. Kate comes and hugs me without a word and I just let myself cry.

"I am sorry Wanda. I-..."

"Kate stop. You have nothing to apologize for. I just have the image in my mind of seeing Y/N impaled by that thing and I can't get it out. I felt the emotions all over again like when I lost my brother. It was all just too much. I am so angry at Y/N for leaving me with Thor. I could have been there. I could have possibly prevented this. She can be so reckless. I grab Kate's arm as I release her from the hug and she hisses in pain. "Kate, your arm I am so sorry."

"Don't worry about it, it's just a cut."

"No, it's not Kate. Vis, can you please clean up Kate's arm, I will keep an eye on Y/N."

"Yes right away." With a sense of urgency, Vision swiftly turns his attention to the laceration on Kat's arm, meticulously cleaning the wound before carefully applying a bandage. Meanwhile, I find solace in running my fingers through Y/N's hair, my gaze fixed upon her as I delve into a cascade of contemplation. While tenderly caressing her, an unexpected surge of electricity courses through my hand, prompting me to pull back. To my astonishment, my magic emanates from my fingertips, wrapping around Y/N's head. At that moment, a profound and familiar sensation ripples through my entire being, our connection.

"Is Y/N ok?" Clint inquires, his concern evident, as he and Steve enter the jet, supporting an unconscious Sam. My magic quickly withdraws back within me as I respond to Clint's question.

"We think so. She healed on her own, but she lost a lot of blood so I think her body shut down to gather her strength again. Come set Sam down next to Y/N. We can hook him up to the monitors to make sure his vitals are ok." I say as I lift Y/N with my powers and make room for Sam on the medical table. Steve gently places Sam down and begins to hook him up to review his vitals.

"Thank you, Wanda." Steve says as he continues to tend to Sam.

"Clint can you get us out of here" I ask, eager to leave what once was my home. I don't think I can ever bring myself to come back here again. Just too many overwhelming memories.

"Yup on it." Clint rushes to the pilot seat and we take off shortly after.

Taking a seat beside Y/N, I persist in gently caressing her hair, overwhelmed by the intense emotions surging within me. The realization of how deeply in love I am with this woman resonates, especially considering the close call I had with the possibility of losing her. The haunting image lingers in my mind. As I immerse myself in these profound feelings, my magic once again retreats from my fingertips, but this time, I sense it entering Y/N. Determined to comprehend this, I close my eyes, allowing myself to focus entirely on what my magic is doing.

"Hello, my love." Startled by Y/N's voice, I open my eyes, only to find myself disoriented in an unfamiliar environment. My surroundings defy description. The surreal scene leaves me bewildered, grappling with the unknown as I try to comprehend the nature of this peculiar space. "You are in my mind." I spin around and see Y/N.

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