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Alarms ring throughout the lab, as soldiers and scientists are running around yelling at each other. No one is sure what is going, is there a fire? Had a subject attacked someone? Or, horror of horrors, had a subject escaped? As there's no smoke in the air, the building should've been put on lock down immediately but everyone was to busy trying to figure out what was going on. It didn't occur to them to check on all the subjects, for if they had, they would've discovered that a group of nine boys, ranging from the age of two to the age of ten, were in the process of escaping. these boys had been working on their escape plan for months. As long as they remembered to avoid all the adults and any of the kids who weren't wearing jumpsuits they would make it out.  

The boys wanted out of the lab because it was a bad place. The people there would kidnap kids and then experiment on them, they also would assign the kids numbers rather then give them names. This is why a two year old can form coherent sentences and walk as though he were older. Despite the age difference, the boys were really close, they'd been thrown together by chance and had bonded because of their unusual circumstances.

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"Nova!" Solar says, lightly hitting her friend. "Stop that!" Nova laughs and puts their hands up to defend themselves. 

"Why?" Nova asks. "It's funny!" Solar sighs and studies her friend. Nova has flame red hair and a few strands are colored cyan. They had their bangs covering one of their eyes, solar knew that they'd been attacked and that eye had been damaged. But the eye she could see was red with a yellow flame for a pupil. The friends were complete opposites. Solar had gray hair with a fade of purple and yellow eyes. Nova gives Solar another grin and Solar sighs again.

"Let me grab some snacks." Solar says. "Then you can continue."

"Okay!" Nova says, cheerfully.

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