Chapter 23

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The end is beginning. The plan is to blow up the lab. Aret knows he will probably meet his parents and his brother but he's ready to kill them if he has to. He feels a hand on his arm and turns to find Yin standing  beside him. 

"We're good." Yin says, softly.

"It's armed?" Aret asks, looking over Yins shoulder at the bomb. 

"Yes it is." Yin replies. Aret nods then beckons for Yin to follow him. They quietly slip down the hall. They run into Bane and Seon at the end of hall. 

"Hey, how are you guys doing?" Bane asks, sounding out of breath.

"Pretty good, nearly ran into a couple soldiers but other than that good." Yin replies. 

"Were you seen?" Seon asks. 

"No we weren't. Don't worry." Aret replies. Bane lets out the breath he's holding.

"Good." Seon says with a sigh of relief. The four boys split up, Bane and Seon going one way and Aret and Yin going another. After a few minutes Aret uses the telepathic link he and have set up so they can all communicate each other easily.

"Report." Aret transmit.

"We've got half of our bombs set." Wren says. The others have the same amount set.

"Tom and I have found the file room." Jay says. "You want us to blow it up?"

"Grab the files first. We can use them." Aret replies.

"Got it." Jay says. Yin touches Arets arm, letting him know that the next bomb is set.

"325?" A woman's  voice comes from behind Aret and Yin. Both boys start, it's been years since someone has used their numbers to refer to them. Yin glances at Aret and sees the fear on his boyfriends face. He looks over his and sees a brown haired woman behind. "324, you're here too?" Yin narrows his eyes and pulls Aret closer to him. Both boys have turned to face her. Aret is studying the woman warily. Suddenly Iris, Blaze and Nyx are there. The woman seems surprised to see them but she recovers quickly and folds her hands behind her back, her eyes jump between Aret and Iris. It's a few minutes before she speaks again. 

"Your father will be pleased to find you're here." She says. Iris looks confused, as does Aret until he realizes what she means. He glances at Iris and they look at each other for a moment, then Iris looks angry. She turns her gaze on the woman in front of them.

"Hello mother." Aret says, evenly. 

"So you do know who I am. Good." The says, sounding pleased. Aret quickly fills the others in. Yin tells those who aren't there what is going on. Bane and Jack aren't surprised that Iris and Aret are siblings. That will have to be a conversation for later.

"You're the one who did the surgeries!" Iris says, her tone furious. Her tail flicks back and forth, the tip rattling like a rattlesnakes tail. The woman nods and seems proud of hersef. Iris shakes her head in disgust.

"You're no mother of ours." Aret says, his Scottish accent creeping into his voice. His mother looks hurt, but before she can say anything, Iris lunges at her she raises her arm in an attempt to defend to defend herself. That is a mistake. Yin can see the moment she realizes that. But it's already to late. Iris sinks her teeth into her mothers arm and released the neurotoxins in her fangs. This time she doesn't pull away until her mother is dead is quite dead. Once Iris steps away from her, Aret moves for the first time in a while. 

"Split up." He says, looking at the others. "Continue planting bombs." The other three nod and disappear down a hall. Before Yin can say anything to Aret, Jay speaks. 

"Tom and I have got all the files."  They says. 

"Glad to hear it." Aret replies. "Set a bomb then keep going." 

"Got it." Tom says in reply. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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