Chapter 6

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Finally Bane and Orion reach the center of the room, the others are already there. Some of them are standing and some are sitting. 

"Orion!" Seon says, scrambling up from zir seated position. Ze gives zir brother a hug, then pulls back to study him.

"I'm fine." Orion says.

"We could hear the gun shots." Jay says, running a hand through their blue hair. Bane glances at them and nods slightly. 

"Are you both alright?" Aret asks, his fawn brown eyes filled with concern. Bane turns their own blue eyes on the younger boy. 

"Yes, we're fine." They say. "The soldiers were pretty lousy shots and we had this guys help." Bane pulls the boy behind them forward. the reaction among their friends is instant. 

"Wren!" Aret cries, darting forward and, practically, tackling her. Wren laughs and wraps her arms around the younger boy.

"Hey Aret." She says. Aret pulls away, relief on his face. Wren suddenly got serious.

"You guys shouldn't be here." She says, all the playfulness in her pale gold eyes gone. "This whole thing was a trap. They planned it all out." Arets eyes fill with worry and he glances at Yin.

"We couldn't leave you here." Cypher says, crossing their arms. 

"I know, and that's why set up this trap." Wren replies. "They knew you wouldn't be able to leave it. Frankly, I'm glad you came."

"We'll get out of here. We just half to be careful." Aret says looking around the circle his friends had made. Everyone was standing now. "We know this room better then they do, we can use that to our advantage." The others nod and Aret cocks his head, listening. 

"They've moved away from the door but it's possible that they left someone to guard it." Aret says. "Bane, can you check?" 

"Sure" Bane says. They blinked then looked toward the door. They can't see any soldiers there but there  is movement on the other side of the door. 

"It doesn't look like there're any guards on this side, but there maybe a couple of soldiers on the other side." Bane says, blinking again and looking at their friends. Aret nods and looks thoughtful. 

"Lets focus on getting to the door. Comms out, I don't want to risk having the soldiers over hear a conversation." Aret says, popping his own comm out. His friends followed suit. 

"Stay in your groups." Aret says, looking around the circle at his friends. "Wren, you're with Jay and Cypher."

"Okay." Wren says, nodding. The friends split up, taking different paths to get to the door. 

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