Chapter 11

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A couple years before Aret and his friends arrived at the lab, there had been a group of seven boys. The were being moved one day and something happened, Aret isn't sure what, and the boys disappeared. Aret glanced around at the boys who had appeared.

"Is this them?" Aret wonders. "If it is, why are they here?" 

"Now. Here's what's going to happen." The green haired boy says. "You are going to take all these soldiers and leave, or I'll have John destroy your eardrums." 260 tone is casual, like what he's saying is perfectly normal.

"How about no." The man replies. 260 looks at a boy with Indigo hair, Bane assumes this is John, and nods. The ringing starts up again, louder than before. The scientist taps a hand against his leg and a soldier suddenly darts forward. The soldier grabs Aret and points a gun at his head. 260 holds out their hand and the ringing stops. 

"That's better. Now, you're all going to come with me, quietly, or the boy dies." The man says. "It's your choice." Arets fawn brown eyes were wide with fear. He's been in situations where he's nearly died before, but he's never had a gun pointed at his head. 260 studied the situation in front of them, realizing they are in a tough position. They don't want to go back to the lab but they also couldn't let the boy die. Not if Atlas is right about these boys. They grit their teeth, torn between fighting or surrendering. Suddenly, sprays from the back of the soldiers head. He fell, dead before he hit the floor. Atlas is standing where he had been, a knife in her hand. The knife is covered in blood. Atlas's eye is blazing with anger and the rooms temperature drops drastically. Atlas flickers in and out of view, killing all of the soldiers and the scientist. Once they are all dead the rooms temperature returns to normal. There's silence for a moment as they all study the destruction that Atlas had caused.

"Okay then." The golden haired boy says. Aret glances at him and is about to say something when he remembers Orion. 

"Crap!" Aret says, running to his friend with Seon right behind him.

"Please, please." Seon mutters, frantic. Bane puts an arm around zir shoulders. Aret could hear Orins heartbeat, it's faint but it's there.

"Seon, he's okay." Aret says. Seons eyes fill with relief. Aret stands up and looks at the other boys. He's trying to figure out why they are here, when his eyes meet Atlas's. She's standing off to the side, her eyes meet his and she gives a little wave. Aret nods at her then turns his attention to the green haired boy, 260. At the moment 260 is talking to a boy with purple hair. He narrows his eyes.

"They're friends" Atlas's voice says in Arets head. 

"What happened to you?" Aret asks.

"I was killed by a boy." Atlas replies, her ton rueful.

"So... you're a ghost?" Aret asks.

"Yep, pretty much." Atlas says.

"Huh." Aret looks at her thoughtfully. He glances at the other boys realizing they're here to help but he's still suspicious. Aret glances at Yin and their eyes meet, just for a moment, and Aret knows his friends are waiting for him to make a move. Aret glances at 260 again, whose finished the conversation with the purple haired boy and has been watching Atlas, but now their eyes meet and Aret steps forward studying the boy. He pauses beside Yin ad turns his head away. 

"Stay on guard." He says. "I don't think the labs done with us yet." Yin nods and glances at 260.

"What are you going to do about them?" He asks, indicating the other kids.

"I'm going to get some answers." Aret says.

"Okay, but be careful." Yin says. Aret nods and heads towards the other boy. 

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