Chapter 19

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Nyx looks up when she hears the door unlock and tenses. She's ready to lunge at the soldier on the other side. As soon as the door is fully open she launches herself at the soldier, realizing it's not a soldier but two kids. Nyx knocks the girl over and she hits the floor. For a moment it's like the boy doesn't exist and the only things in the world are her and the girl on the floor. They stare at each other and Nyx is the first to speak, her voice soft.

"Hi...." She says, suddenly shy.

"Hey....." The girl replies, blushing slightly. The boy clears his throat startling both girls.

"Ummm, Nyx? It's okay, she's with me." He says. Nyx scowls at him and he flinches.

"Oh. Hey Aret." She says, her tone annoyed. She stands letting the other girl up. Aret goes over ot her, watching Nyx nervously.

"You okay Iris?" He asks, helping her up. Iris nods and takes his hand, not meeting his eyes. Aret raises his eyebrows and glances at Nyx, he doesn't say anything but she can see the susicion in his eyes. Aret glances down the hall and seems distracted for a minute.

"They know." He says. "Blaze is getting them out." He looks at Iris, who has calmed down. She nods and glances around uneasily. 

"Now what?" Nyx asks.

"Now we leave." Aret replies.

                         .                   .                  .

The alarms start going off but Aret and his friends are already gone. For a little while they're all silent until Jack speaks, their voice harsh.

"Aret, you want to explain what's going on with you?" Jack asks, glaring at the younger boy. Aret sighs and runs a hand trough his hair.

"What I want to know is, how long have you been friends with them." Orion says, gesturing at Iris and Blaze.

"Since I was two." Aret says, tentatively. His friends stare at him.

"That long......?" Seon says, his tone shocked. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because I didn't expect to get attached to you guys." Aret says, with a sigh. "I wasn't supposed to that is." He glances up at Seon.

"So this whole time you've been working with the lab?!" Liam asks. Aret doesn't reply and looks at his hands.

"I can't believe you!" Wren yells, making the group jump. Everyone stars at him, eyes wide. "We trusted you and this is what you do?!" He is furious.

"Wren-" Aret starts then stops. Blaze glances between the two and starts to say something then decides against it, opting to stay silent.

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