Chapter 21

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"Doctor Duskstorm." The man turns around and sees Ember and River standing behind him. He smiles at the pair. His office has a row of windows and is well lit. There's a map on one wall and a desk facing the windows.

"I'm aware of what my son and daughter are doing. I need you to go to the other labs and warn them." Doctor Duskstorm says. Ember and River nod and leave. The doctor stands there for a moment before sitting down with a sigh. He wonders if it's worth it to keep trying to capture his don and friends or if he should just order them killed.

                                           .                   .                .

Aret is shifting through the labs files on his computer, when he finds his and Iris's.

"Lets see what you have to say about us." He mutters, opening the files. The first thing Aret notices is that the last name is the same. Aret shrugs and figures it's a coincidence. He starts with Iris's file, reading through and discovering that she's definitely older than him. He saves her file, as well as his own, then closes them both. He continues looking for his friends files. Once he has all of them saved, he checks on the activity in the lab. Suddenly the computer is closed, Aret barely manages to pull his hand out of the way.

"Hey-" He starts to say but stops when he sees who it is. "Yin." The older boy gives him a smile.

"Hey man, I feel like you disappeared." He says, meaning for it to be a joke.

"I'm sorry. I pulled away because of my family and all that." Aret replies, wrapping his arms around himself. Yin gets a sense of deja-vu, which takes him backs to when all this started. 

"Hey, no. It's okay. Don't apologize." Yin says, laying his hands on Arets shoulders. Aret looks up at him and Yin can see the sadness in his eyes. Yins hands slide down to rest on the boys arms.

"I get it. You're scared and lost, Jay told us." Yin says, his voice gentle. "That's why I'm here." Arets eyes meet Yins and Yin smiles at him, gently pulling him into a hug. Aret rests his head on Yins shoulder and closes his eyes. "You need to rest. Come on" Yin pulls away and takes Arets hand, leading him out of the room.

                              .                   .                    .

"Someone's over protective." Solar says, earning herself a grin from Nova.

"Yeah. Now, lets continue the story." They say. The two friends settle back and Nova continues their story.

                             .                        .                    .

"Hey Sam!" Jack calls, beckoning to their friend. 

"What's up?" Sam asks, jogging over. Jack looks uneasy. 

"Do you think Aret's on our side?" They says. "I mean, considering who his dad is." 

"I don't know." Sam admits. "He seems to be struggling." 

"Yeah...." Jack says, not convinced.

                         .                       .                    .

"Hey Cypher." Cypher looks up from what he's doing and sees Wren standing in the door way of his room. 

"Hey, come on in!" He says. Wren walks in and sits down on the edge of Cyphers bed.

"Why do you think Aret did what he did?" Wren asks.

"Well, I think Aret was torn between his two groups of friends. In the end he chose us." Cypher says. "I mean he got us out of there and he got more people to join our fight. I don't think he's a traitor, jut confused." Wren nods and looks thoughtful. "I mean, we could ask him, but I don't think he wants to talk about it."

"True." Wren agrees. Cypher lets out a breath and smiles.

"You're worried about what Jay said, aren't you?" He says. 

"Yeah, I am." Wren says.

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