Chapter 17

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The first thing Aret feels is a throbbing pain in his head. He opens his eyes and pushes him self up. He looks around, the walls are stark white, so unlike the bare grey he's gotten used to. The bed he's laying on has white covers and that can only mean one thing. 

"Well great." He thinks, putting his head in his hands. "I'm back in the lab." He looks up when he hears the door to the room open.

"Hey!" Blaze says. "You're up!" Aret gives him a wary smile.

"Yeah. Head hurts though." He replies. Blaze pulls a face then beckons to Aret. Aret gets up and follows the other boy, trying not to let his fear show.

"Hey guys!" Blaze calls. "Look who's up!" Their friends turn towards them. 

"Aret!" Iris grins as Aret joins them.

"Welcome back." River says, as Ember gives him a nod.

"Thanks." Aret says, smiling softly.

I'm glad to see you're not dead." Ember says.

"I thought you were going to keep that noise going until I was dead, not gonna lie." Aret replies, grinning. Ember laughs and shakes her head. At that moment, Aret happens to glance down and sees Victor, Jacks friend, being escorted by soldiers down another hall. Victor glances at Aret and their eyes meet. It's only for a second, but Aret knows he's been seen.

                                        .                 .                .

"What?" Victor thinks when he sees Aret. "That can't be him." Victor makes a mental to talk to Yin later. They need to know if Aret has betrayed them. Victor doesn't want to believe that Aret isn't on their side. He barely knows him but the fact that Jack trusts him is enough for him.


                                       .                 .                .

Aret turns his attention back to his friends and notices that the twins are blind in an eye each.

"Hey, what happened to your guys eyes?" He asks.

"Oh! A soldier slashed our eyes." Blaze replies. 

"We killed him because your dad said we could." Ember says, causually.

"Oh, oka- Wait, what?" Aret says. Ember looks at Blaze who sighs. "Ember, what do you mean my dad?" Arets Scottish accent starts to come out as he starts to get annoyed. Iris flinches and River shakes his head.

"Um....." Ember says, looking at her brother for help.

"You're on your own." Blaze says, shaking his head. Ember sighs and looks back at Aret.

"Your father, is the head scientist who authorized everything." Ember says. 

"You knew! The four of you knew and you didn't tell me?!" Aret yells, his accent making it hard to understand him. 

"Aret-" River starts but Aret interrupts him.

"How long?" He demands. "How long have you known?" His tone is dangerous.

"Since we were kids. Before you were put in with 317 and the others." Blaze replies, his tone apologetic. Aret closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I'll see you later." He says, opening his eyes. He turns and walks away. None of his 'friends' tried to stop him.

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