Chapter 3

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"Gods, I hate this place." Aret says, looking around at the metallic walls.

"You and me both Owl." Yin says, using Arets code name. They all had one because they thought it would be safer for them then using their actual names.

"Owl and Zero, stop flirting!"  Cypher says, over the com in the boys ears. Arets face flushes and Yin groans, they can hear the others laughing and congratulating Cypher on their joke. Before Yin can reply, Aret grabs his arm and pulls him back against the wall. Yin turns his head to ask Aret what's going on. Just in time he  sees the older soldier and remembers that they're supposed to be disguised as recruits, meaning when an older soldiers walks passed they're supposed to get out of the way. Aret and Yin snap to attention and, to their surprise, she stops right in front of them.

" You two, follow me." She says, and continues walking. Aret and Yin scramble to follow her. She leads them down a series of hallways. Yin glances at Aret just in time to see his eyes flicker with fear. Arets turns his head and his fawn brown eyes meet Yins ebony ones. They communicate telepathically for a moment then they both look forward again. They continue to follow the soldier until she stops at a silver colored door. She turns to face them and both boys stop and snap to attention.

"Your job is to guard the boy in this room." She says. "Is this clear?"

"Yes sir!" The boys chorus.

"Good. The room is big so six other recruits have been assigned to it." She says, turning away from the pair. Aret and Yin glance at one another, they know who they want it to be. The soldier unlocks the door and holds it open for the pair. Aret steps through first and Yin follows, close behind him. The door clangs shut behind them. Aret cocks his head listening, while Yin studies their surroundings.

"Shit!" Yin thinks, recognizing the silver hedges and cat walks. It's the room where they were kept when they were still prisoners in the lab. He glances at Aret, his brow furrowed in concern. Yin opens his mouth to say something but Aret speaks first.

"Come on." He says, setting off for the center of the room. Yin follows close behind, keeping an eye on the younger boy.

"It's been awhile since we've been here." Yin says, softly. Aret nods his expression tight.

Moments later they reach the center of the room. Both boys were relieved to discover that their friends had been assigned to the room as well.

"Oh! Hey!" Bane says standing up.

"Hey." Yin says, giving Bane a nod. Aret glances behind him and furrows his brow. Yin glances at him, seeing his confusion.

"Aret?" Orion asks.

"One sec." Aret replies, cocking his head. No one speaks for a moment.

"Never mind, thought I heard something." Aret says, turning back to his friends. They nod, understanding his need to check, they were all jumpy being back here.

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