Chapter 16

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"Aret!" Yins voice breaks through  the noise. "What's wrong?!"  

"I don't know, but it isn't John." Aret says. The sound gets louder, severing the connection Yin had made. Yin glances at John and he can see that John is just as confused as him. Yins eyes flick to Bane. 

"It's not John. Aret doesn't know what or who it is." Yin says, telepathically. Bane grits their teeth and narrows their eyes.

"It's gotta be something, maybe they have something." Bane says, glancing at Ember and the others.

"Maybe. I mean, look at Ember. She's smirking about something." Yin says, cautiously. Bane glances at Ember and sees what Yin means.

"She's got a device in her hand. Maybe that's the cause." They say.

"Perhaps. I'll tell the the others." Yin says, passing the information on. Jack is able to come up with a plan to get the device. But before they can do anything the got to loud for Aret, so he ends up passing out. 

"Shit!" Yin says, catching the younger boy. "Aret!" He looks up and meets Jacks eyes. Suddenly Jay lets out a yelp. 

"Ah!" Yins head whips toward his friend and sees that Iris has lunged at Jay. She has her fangs embedded in their arm. 

"Jay!" Liam wraps an arm around Iris and pulls her away from Jay. She hits the floor with a grunt and grins at Yin.

"Oh gods." Yin thinks, looking down at the boy in his arms. Arets face is pale, scarily pale. Yin glances at Jay, who has collapsed. Liam's just laying them down on the ground. His face is also pale, not as bad as Arets but bad enough to make their friends concerned for them. They still out number the four fighters, but two of their fighters are down out for the count for who knows how long. Yin is aware that the labs soldiers are outside of the warehouse, ready and waiting. Right then, they burst in. The escapees are quickly surrounding and they can all see that they're out numbered by a lot. One by one they fall, hit by sleeping darts. The last thing Yin hears is Embers voice. He can't hear what she's saying exactly but she's definitely saying something.

                                      .                      .                      .

"She still in there?" Nyx lifts her at the sound of the soldiers voice. The 17 year old girl has dragon wings and a tail as well as fangs. Although hers don't have venom in them.  Her hair is light purple with a fade of grey-blue and her eyes are a dark gold. She's kept in a bright room because she can control shadows and could use them to escape.

"I think so." Another soldier replies. Nyx scowls at the door, knowing that the soldiers won't open it to check.

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