Chapter 4

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"LET ME GO!" The little boy screams, as the two soldiers drag him down the metallic hall. Suddenly they stop in front of a silver door, where a third soldier is waiting for them. He gives the other two a nod before turning to unlock the door. The two holding the boy throw him into the room, he hits the floor hard and just barely manages not to cry out. He twists around and looks at the soldiers standing in the door way. They start laughing at him and slam the door on him. The boy carefully stands up and studies his surroundings. He's in a huge room withe silver hedges as far as he can see and cat walks above him. Turning slowly he spots movement in the hedges. The boy freezes and stares at that spot.

                                           .         .         .

Aret bolts up, his chest heaving. He looks around and remembers that he's in the lab. They'd come to save Wren and they weren't leaving without her. Aret quietly, so as not to wake anyone else, got up and left the center of the room. He waits until he's a distance away before climbing onto the hedges and traveling through the room that way. Eventually Aret pulls himself onto the catwalks above him and sit s up there. Because they're near the ceiling the lights don't usually reach them so they provide a dark and quiet space to think. Aret knew that Yin or one of the others would come looking for him eventually, but, for now, he's alone. Or so he thought. Aret could see him, but there is another boy on the catwalk with him. He's sitting cross legged a little ways away, just watching.

"Hey! There you are." A voice says, startling both boys. Aret glances up and sees Yin crouching in front of him. He'd been so lost in thought that he hadn't heard Yin arrive.

"Hey." Aret says, softly

"Couldn't sleep?" Yin asks, sitting done with his back against the catwalks railing.

"Yeah." Aret says, glancing at the older boy across from him. In the dim light it's hard for Aret to see him.

"Come on." Yin says, standing up and holding out his hand. Aret takes it and, with Yins help, stands up. Yin jumps onto the tops of the hedges and then onto the floor. Aret follows him and once they're both on the floor they set out for the center of the room.

"Just so you know, the others are awake and have already started their rounds." Yin says, glancing at Aret.

"Okay." Aret says, his attention else where.

"Hey, you okay?" Yins asks "You've been distracted since yesterday."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry." Aret says, the pair have reached the center of the room by now. "I just... I keep hearing Wrens voice in my head." Yin looks at him in surprise.

"You think she's in here?" Yin asks, his brow furrows in concern.

"I doubt it." Aret says. "Not if they've figured out who she is." Yin nods and glances at the cat walks above them.

"We should probably join the others" Aret says, putting his comm in his ear. "Come on" Aret turns to leave and Yin follows him, wondering in he should tell the others what Aret was hearing.

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