Chapter 10

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The boys have made it back to their warehouse but they don't know if they were followed or not. So they have the lights off until they know their safe.

"We good?" Aret asks, looking up at Yin as he comes into the main room.

"So far." Yin says, walking over to his friends. They are all in the main room, except for Cypher and Jay who where finishing rounds outside the warehouse. At that moment, Bane glances behind and sees a, standing there, a young girl. She's wearing a green hoodie, a pair of grey pants and a scarf around her neck. She has brown hair, which is up in a ponytail and one of her eyes is covered by her bangs. She's holding a lamb stuffy and has white gloves on her hands. The eye Bane could see is completely black aside from a glowing white spot in the center.

"Jesus Christ!" Bane yelps, scrambling back. Aret turns towards them and is about to say something when he sees the glowing white spot from the girls eye.

"What the fuck?" He says, confused. Suddenly the lights come on and surprise the boys. They all blink as their eyes adjust to the light. Cypher walks in with Jay right behind them.

"We're clear." Cypher says. Aret nods and glances at Bane. Now that the lights are on he could see the little girl standing behind his friend. Then, suddenly, she disappeared.  The boys look at each other in surprise.

"That looked like Atlas." Liam says.

"Yeah. Wonder what happened." Wren says.

"Maybe the lab got her." Seon says, not sounding convinced.

"Maybe." Aret says. "I'll check." His friends nod and disperse, heading to different parts of the warehouse. Except for Yin who hangs back to speak with Aret.

"You don't think the lab got her, do you?" He asks.

"I feel like I would know if they'd got her." Aret says. Yin sighs and walks over to the map. He leans his gun against the wall beside it and carefully removes the white pin from its spot by the one grey pin. He then put it back into the holder for the white pins. Then he takes a red pin from that holder and puts it where the white pin had been. Aret watches him do this then turns back to the computer. Suddenly Cypher bursts in.

"Cy? What's wrong?" Aret asks them.

"They found us." They say, breathlessly. Aret and Yin look at each other, eyes wide.

"Shit!" Yin says, grabbing his gun from its spot against the wall. Aret quickly shuts the computer down, after making sure everything on it was saved to a hard drive.

"Were are the others?" Aret asks Cypher.

"Setting up the defenses." Cypher replies, going to the wall beside the map and opening a secret compartment there. Yin walks over with all of Wrens photos and the string on which they were hanging and tucks them inside. Aret comes over with the computer and tucks it inside the same space, then he turns to the wall with the map on it. He carefully turns it so that the map is concealed. Cypher and Yin disassemble the table together and, sliding the floor open, places it in the compartment concealed underneath. Then, sliding the floor closed, they grabbed their guns and stood up. Suddenly Seon appears. Ze is injured but alive.

"They're inside." Ze says.

"Crap! How long do we have?" Aret asks.

"Not sure." Seon says. Aret bits his lip thinking, when the labs soldiers burst in and surround the four friends. The friends, guns in hand, circle up, keeping their backs to each other.

"Well, well. How lucky am I?" A voice says. The soldiers part, allowing a man to step forward before closing ranks again. He is wearing a lab coat, letting the boys know that he is a scientist. "The entire group is here." At these words, the rest of the group is dragged into the room. Aret sucks in a breath. Orion is out cold, the side of his head is covered in blood and his silver hair is matted with it, and Aret isn't sure if he's breathing.

"Oh gods." Seon murmurs. Aret glances at zir and sees zir eyes are fixed on zir younger brother.

"Grab them!" The man says, reminding the boys that he and the soldiers are still there. The soldiers slowly advance, when the girl from before appears. The soldiers stop, staring at her. Suddenly there was a sharp ringing noise that got louder and louder, until, just as quickly as it had started, it stopped. 

"I think that's far enough." A boys voice says. The scientist doesn't look pleased to see the seven boys. I fact he looks down right furious. 

"Number 260 I presume?" He says, looking at a green haired boy. 

"The one and only" The boy says, bowing. He looks up at the scientist and grins. The man glares at him, barely controlling his anger. Aret knew the number the man had said, although he has never met the boy and their friends.

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