Chapter 5

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The man has his back to the door of his office when the soldier walks in. She stands at attention, waiting for permission to speak.

"Well?" The man asks, without turning around.

"They're all here." She says. "The plan worked. They've come to rescue 323." 

"They're all in the room?" He asks, turning to face the soldier.

"Yes sir" She replies.

"Good. Proceed with phase two." The man says.

"Yes sir" The soldier says, then leaves.

                                                                         .               .                .

Clang! The door flew open startling Orion and Bane. The labs soldiers burst in guns aimed at the pair.

"Oh crap." Orion whispers, taking a step back.

"Time to go" Bane says. The two boys whirl and bolt. They can hear the soldiers yelling and firing shots after them. 

"Ah!" Orion yelps, as he falls.

"Orion!" Bane yells, stopping.

"I'm fine!" Orion calls, scrambling up. Bane nods and the pair keep running. 

"Bane, Orion! What's happening?"  Aret asks, over the com.

"It's a trap!" Bane says.

"What?" Cypher says.

"The lab planned this, I think." Orion replies.

"Everyone, meet in the center of the room." Aret says. "We'll figure this out." The others give confirmation and head for the center of the room.

"Bane." Orion say, stopping. Bane stops and looks at their friend.

"What's up?" Bane asks, panting.

"They're right behind us." Orion says, his chest heaving. "We need a different plan." Bane nods and glances around.  

"Orion! Bane!" A voice says, coming from above them. Both boys jump and look up in surprise. There was a boy crouching on the hedges. 

"There's no time! Come on!" He says, beckoning to them. The pair climb onto the hedges.

"This way." The boy says, jumping to the floor on the other side of the hedge. 

                                                                .           .          .

"Is it just me, or is following that boy a bad idea?" Solar says to Nova. Nova shrugs and grabs some popcorn.

"Depends." They say. "It seems like Bane and Orion know this boy." Solar nods, looking thoughtful. 

"How about we just see where the story goes?" Nova says.

"Okay." Solar replies.

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