Chapter 12

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Before either boy can say anything Atlas appears beside 260 causing them to jump. 

"Jeez!" They say, looking at her. "Why do you do that?"

"Because it's funny!" She signs. 260 sighs and turns back to Aret. Aret has his arms crossed and is studying the other boy.

"If you don't mind me asking, how exactly do you know Atlas?" He asks, his guard up.

"Oh! She just popped up one day and surprised all of us." The boy says. "She wasn't friendly at first but we've worked it out now. I'm Jack by the way." 

"Aret" Aret replies, he glances at Atlas. "I'm assuming you're the reason they're here?" She nids and glances at Yin, who's watching the conversation silently. He gives her a nod than turns to Wren who has come up beside him. Jack studies Aret for a moment.

"You don't trust me." They say, suddenly. Aret starts in surprise, then ducks his head, slightly embarassed. Jack chuckles lightly and holds up their hands. "It's fine. Atlas tolds us about you guys so I get it." Aret lets out a relieved breath and offers Jack a gentle smile. "And, hey, we're like you." Jack tells him, smiling back. "I'd tell you to trust me, but you know...." They pull a face, causing Aret to chuckle. 

"Fair." He says, nodding. He glances at the other boys, but before he can say anything Seons voice rings out.

"Don't touch him!" Aret whirls around and his breath catches in his throat. The purple haired boy that he'd noticed earlier has gone over and, clearly, tried to lay a hand on Orion.

"Vic! I told you to wait!" Jack says, their tone annoyed. Aret glances at them, his brow furrowed, but then he freezes. He darts over to Orion and drops onto his knees beside him.

"Crap! No, no, no!" Aret says, desperate. His friends can tell that something is wrong with Orion just from Arets reaction. Seons eyes fill with fear, scared that ze's about to lose zir brother. Jack comes over but Liam stops them from getting to close to Orion. Aret glances up in time to see Jack and the purple haired boy share a look. He looks between the two boys then glances at Orion. He bites his lip, thinking.

"Jack, why'd you tell him to wait?" He asks, nodding at the purple haired boy. Aret's aware that he's running out of time.

"Vic has the ability to heal someone." Jack replies. "As long as they're still alive. He just wants to help." Aret closes his eyes and ducks his head, knowing his friends aren't going to like the decision he's about to make.

"Okay. I'm not going to let Orion die, but if you're lying to me...." He trails off, letting it hang there. Jack nods and glances at Vic. Vic, to his credit, is cautious of Arets friends. He kneels by Orions head and lays a hand on his forehead. Vic closes his eyes and there's a moment of silence. Suddenly Orion opens his eyes and Aret lets out the breath he's holding. He doesn't notice the boy beside him stand up. Orion pushes himself and looks around in confusion. Seon practically tackles zir brother. Orion just laughs and wraps his arms around Seon. Aret glances at Jack and gives them a nod of thanks. Jack returns his nod and offers him a small smile. 

"So, what did I miss?" Orion asks, glancing at the strangers. Seon chuckles lightly.

"A lot." Ze say. Aret stands up, leaving Seon to catch zir brother up. He starts walking towards Jack but something makes him stop. His eyes find Yins and he can tell the older boy smells it too. Smoke. And that can mean only one thing.

"Don't say anything. No need to alarm everyone." Aret transmits, opening a connection to Yins mind.

"Do you think it's them?" Yin asks.

"I'm certain of it."

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