Chapter 14

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The fire twins and their friends move through the ware house, the bare grey walls a stark contrast to the bright white walls they're used to. Ember is being cautious but she's to busy talking to River, so she doesn't hear the footsteps following them. Blaze does though, he stops and looks around. He can't see the source of the noise, but he has a feeling that someone is there. Watching them from the shadows. Blaze runs after his sister, catching her arm.

"Ember." He says, as she turns to look at him. 

"What?" She asks.

"We're being followed." Blaze says. Ember nods and glances around. She can't see anyone but she trusts her brother.

"Lets keep going." Ember says, looking at her brother and their friends. "But be careful." The three of them nod and they continue moving. After a while they finally reach the main room. Blaze looks around, noting that it looks as though no one lives there. 

"Spread out look for clues." Ember says. "And be careful." They split up, in order to cover the most ground. For a while there is silence. 

"Mierda!" River shouts, suddenly. His friends whirl towards him, seeing the white haired boy standing in front of him.

"Was he there before?" Iris asks, her tone unsure.

"No." River says, his voice higher than usual. Blaze sees movement out of the corner of his eye. He turns towards it and realizes that boys are appearing out of nowhere.

"Uh, guys? I think we're surrounded." Blaze says, his voice uneasy. Embers voice startles him and the others.

"You!" She starts forward, her expression scary. Blaze has never seen her this mad. She stops beside him. Blaze is confused until he follows her gaze and sees who she is speaking to. It's the head scientists son. "This is your fault!" The boy steps back and glances at one of his friends who looks just as confused.

                                         .                 .                    .

Aret doesn't understand what the girl means, but he does recognize her and the boy beside her. They are the fire twins and they're the ones who had give him and Yin third degree, and some worse, burns. 

"How is this my fault?" He asks. "You're the ones who nearly killed me!" The girl studies him for a moment then she smirks at him.

"Oh, I recognize you now, you and your friend." She says, glancing at Yin. 

"Wait, who are you again?" The boy asks. Aret gives him a look of exasperation. The boy studies him for a moment, then a look a recognition flashes across his face.

"Oh! From that maze!" He says.

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"Testing survival instincts for numbers 325 and 324" A scientist says. She looks at the twins beside her. Numbers 130 and 131. Their job is to burn the maze while 325 and 324 are inside. The scientists want to see how the boys would respond when in danger. The two boys are already inside the maze.

"Begin." The scientist says. The twins step forward, placing their hands on the walls of the maze. They keep their hands in place as the walls begin to catch on fire, feeding the flames. Within the maze numbers 325 and 324 pause when they smell the smoke. 325 turns around and sees the glow from the flames.

"They're burning the maze!" He says, spinning around to face his companion. 324s eyes are wide with fear. "Come on!" 325 grabs his arm and starts to run, dragging the other boy after him. The flames are starting to catch up to the two boys and they still have to navigate the rest of the maze. 324 yelps as his pant leg catches on fire. 325 stops and helps him put it out. The smoke is steadily growing thicker and both boys start to cough. It doesn't help that they've been running to get away from the flames. 

"We have to keep moving!" 324 says, coughing. 325 nods, unable to speak. They connect hands and take off running again. The scientists keep the maze burning until the walls collapse on the two boys, then they get number 133 to put the fire out. Once it's out, they search through the remains and find the two boys. Unconscious and badly burned. When the head scientist finds out what they've done, he is furious.

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