Chapter 13

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Meanwhile outside, a group of soldiers are giving a couple of kids a wide berth. The brother and sister are known as the fire twins and their names are Ember and Blaze. They work with the lab to catch anyone who escapes. This time they've been dispatched to capture Aret and his friends as well as Jacks group. The two of them have been with the lab since before Aret and his friends were taken. At this moment, Ember isn't pleased with the order they've been given, which is to stand by and wait for reinforcements. Blaze is sitting on the hood of a car, watching his sister, making sure she doesn't accidently cause an inferno. He doubts she's that mad, but with Ember it's hard to tell. It isn't that Blaze doesn't care, he dislikes the order just as much as Ember but he's generally the level headed one of the two.

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"It's not safe here anymore." Aret says, sounding uneasy. "There are soldiers outside and I'm pretty sure reinforcements are on the way." Jacks expression becomes nervous.

"So, now what? We can' leave, can we?" The golden haired boy asks. Aret glances at Bane, a question in his eyes. Bane shakes their head.

"No, we can't. They've got the place surrounded." Aret replies. 

"Then we'll have to stand our ground." Jack says. Aret nods and glances at Cypher. 

"You're going to have to work with Jack and their friends." Atlas says suddenly. Aret sighs, knowing she's right. He doesn't fully trust Jack but Vic has saved Orions life and John stopped the soldiers from grabbing them. He isn't sure what the other boys can do or what their names are but he decides to trust them just this once. Little does he know, he's going to need their help in the future as well.

"There's no time to teach you guys the layout. You'll have to learn as we go." Aret says. Jack nods and the two boys reach an agreement. The sixteen boys split up. Any worry Aret has about Jack and their friends getting lost, isn't needed. It quickly becomes apparent that they've done this before. 

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Ember and Blaze have been joined by their two friends, Iris and River. Iris has dragon wings and a tail along with snake like fangs that hold venom. Her ability is to create lightening, as she is half lightening dragon, she can also fly because of her wings. River is like the twins. Except that he controls water rather then fire. These four are a team, but they haven't always gotten along. They disliked each other at first, but then they discovered that they have a lot in common. Besides being kidnapped and experimented on, so now they're friends. Ember has calmed down because they've been told to go ahead with the plan. Although she's disappointed that she can't burn the boys to a crisp because the head scientist has made it very clear that he wants them alive. He believes his son is part of this group. That fact makes Ember want to kill these boys even more and her friends agree with her. They hate the mans son because they can't exactly blame the boys father for being stuck in the lab, even though it is his fault. But if they do that, they'll get in trouble.

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