Chapter 1

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In the fourteen years since the boys escaped from the lab they've named themselves, opting against using the numbers the scientists at the lab had given them. Another thing they do is chose targets, usually a scientist, and assassinate them. They've never launched a frontal attack against the lab, knowing that if they are captured they will be separated and will never see each other again. 

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"Hey Aret!" Liam yells. He is standing in the main room of the warehouse, where the boys had been living.  Liam is looking at the map he put up so they could keep track of which missions succeeded and which ones failed. 

"What's up Liam?" Aret asks, walking in. Aret is the youngest, being only sixteen years old, but he's the leader of this little group. He walked over to the older boy and gave him a smile.

"You've put a white pin here, are you planning a hit?" Liam asks him touching the one white pin in a sea of red pins. Aret stays silent for a moment studying the map and the containers holding different colored pins around it. 

"I'm thinking about it but it's not final." Aret says, looking at Liam. Liam nodded and turned back to the map. By putting a white pin over a spot on the map Aret was letting his friends know that he was either planning a hit or thinking about it. Aret walks over to the laptop on the metal table behind them, he opens it and gasps in surprise. Liam whirls towards him about to ask a question, but notices that Arets face has gone pale.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks, walking over to the younger boy. Aret shows him the computer screen and Liam understands why Aret had gone pale.

"I'm calling the others." Aret says and Liam doesn't argue. Arets eyes go unfocused for a moment as he sends out a telepathic call for the others to come to the main room.

"They're coming." Aret says, looking at Liam. Liam sees the worry in his eyes. 

"We'll get her back, I know we will." He says, gently laying a hand on Arets shoulder.  Aret gives him a gentle smile and ducks his head drawing a shaky breath. Liam is just as scared and worried as Aret. But they have to go get Wren back, Wren is the photographer of the group. She doesn't look all that special aside from her white hair and pale gold eyes, but she is an important part of the group.

"Hey, what's going on?" Seon asks, walking in with zir brother Orion behind zir. Aret glances at them but doesn't answer.

"Lets wait until every one is here." Liam says, coming to Arets rescue. Aret shoots him a grateful look. Orion walks over to the map and notices the white pin. Turning to Liam, He starts to ask a question but Liam shakes his head.  Orion gives him a frustrated look annoyed that he can't ask his question. Orion looks at his orange haired brother for help but Seon just gives him a shrug. Orion sighs in annoyance and runs a hand through his silver hair.  Before Orion could say anything to the other three the other boys came in. Liam and Seon moved so Yin and Cypher could take their places beside Aret. 

"Okay Aret we're all here." Seon says to the younger boy. "What's going on?"

"Wren's not here yet" Yin says, sounding annoyed. Cypher nods in agreement and shoots an annoyed look at Seon, who gives them an apologetic look. 

"The lab has her." Aret says, looking at his friends. They could all see the fear and worry in his eyes. 

"No" Bane says, shaking their head and walking away. They disappeared from sight and the other boys looked at each other, throughly confused. 

"Aret, what-" Liam starts but Aret interrupts him.

"I'll go talk to him."  He says, going after the older boy. Aret finds Bane leaning against the wall. They hadn't gone far after leaving the room. Aret stops across from them and crosses his arms.

"Well Bane, talk to me." He says. Bane looks up at him and sighs. Aret raises his eyebrows and waits.

"It's just,  we agreed as a group to never go back to the lab." Bane says, tersely. "That includes launching a frontal attack Aret."

"I know that Bane." Aret says, with a sigh. "But you and I promised each other that we wouldn't let them be trapped there again." Aret gestures back towards the main room.  Bane sighs and looks done the hall in the direction Aret gestured. 

"You're serious about this then?" Bane asks, looking back at Aret warily.

"Yes, I am." Aret says, uncrossing his arms. "The longer we leave Wren there the more likely the scientists will do something to her." Bane nods and pushes off the wall.

"Lets go get her back." They say, pushing their blonde hair out of their eyes. Aret looks at them in surprise and then nods. The two boys head back to the main room and their friends. 

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