Chapter 15

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Arets eyes narrow as he faces off against the twins. He hates fire and he hates the twins. They'd nearly killed him and Yin. He knows why they're here, the lab uses them as hunting dogs. He's not sure why they hate him, as far as he knows he's never done any thing to them. Then again, they're on the labs side, meaning the lab would've taught them that he's evil and wrong wile they're good and just. 

"I'm surprised you two are alive." The girl, Aret is pretty sure her name is Ember, says. "Those burns looked bad enough to kill you." Aret studies her and her brother for a moment. Thanks to Cypher, he has access to the labs database so he knows their names.

"Why do you care?" Yin asks, crossing his arms.

"I don't. I was just saying." She says. Arets eyes meet Jacks and he nods slightly. Jack glances at John, who's watching the exchange. John nods then turns his attention to the four people in the center of the circle. The ringing sound starts again but louder and stronger than before. Aret winces slightly as pressure builds in his head.

"I've got you." Yin says, telepathically. Arets tense muscles relax slightly as Yin eases the pressure.

"Thanks Yin" Aret says, grateful. He's glad to have Yin to help him. Without him he'd probably end up passing out.  The dragon girl, Aret's pretty sure her name is Iris, looks from Aret, to Jack, then to John. Suddenly, she lunges at the boy. Aret lets out a warning shout, breaking Johns concentration. John steps back, terror in zir eyes.

"Jay!" Aret doesn't hesitate and neither does Jay. They raise their hand and stop Iris, before pulling back and causing her to hit the floor. There's silence for a moment and Aret realizes that he's put the group in jeopardy. First, he used Jays real name not their code name, Storm, and, second, he'd had Jay use their ability. His reaction was pure instinct and he can see that his friends know that, just by expressions. But that doesn't change they're in now.

"How? What?" Blaze can't speak but he soon realizes what has happened. He glances at his sister and the pair grin at each other.

"Oh no." Aret says, telepathically. His fear evident.

"Hey, hey. It's okay." Yin says, his voice gentle and calm.

"They know our secrete Yin!" Aret says.

"I know. But we can get through this." Yin replies. "We knew they'd figure it out at some point anyway." Aret is silent for a moment.

"I'm scared." His voice is soft and Yin can hear the fear in it.

"I know. I am to, but it'll be fine." Yin assures him. Aret feels a little calmer then before but he's still scared. He glances at Iris and sees that she's back on her feet. She smirks at him then turns to the second boy in the group. Aret had see his file breifly, and he's pretty sure his name is River. Suddenly there's a sharp sound that gets louder and louder. Aret gasps and grabs his head. His knees buckle, causing him to fall to the ground. He can hear his friends shouting, faintly. He squeezes his eyes shut and grits his teeth.

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