Chapter 18

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"Hey Yin." Victor says, walking over to Yin. 

"What's up?" Yin asks.

"I found Aret, but I don't think he's on our side." Victor says, catiously. 

"What do you mean?" Yin asks.

"I saw him with the fire twins and their friends." Victor says. Yin understands what he's getting at.

"NO!" Yin yells. "No! You don't know Aret!" 

"Your right, I don't but I know what I saw." Victor says. The others finally understand what Victor is saying. Jacks expression darkens.

"So you mean he's betrayed us?" Jack asks, crossing his arms.

"No! Aret wouldn't!" Bane says, their tone firm.

"Frankly, I trust Victor more than I trust you." Jack says. Bane starts to say something but Yin stops them. 

"He's here." Is all he says. Then Aret steps into the center of the room. His eyes flit from face to face. 

"I'm sorry." He says, his accent still prominant.

"You're sorry?!" Jack snaps. "I trusted you! Your friends trusted you and you betrayed them!" They pause seethingly.

"Jack-" Liam starts, but Aret interrupts him.

"No, I deserve that." Aret says, holding up a hand. "I probably deserve a lot more, but just so you know; in two minutes something is going to happen, use it if you you want." Aret glances at Yin before walking away and disappearing among the hedges. Jack blinks and turns to Yin. 

"Yin?" Wren says, his soft voice startling everyone. The look on Yins face is pure terror, but he shakes his head.

"He should be the one to tell you. Not me." He replies.  Suddenly, from the direction of the door, there came a sound like an explosion. The friends look at each other, before bolting towards the door. 

"Holy shit!" Cypher says, looking at the remains of the door.

"I don't think Aret's a traitor." The golden haired boy, Cole, says. 

"Oh good. He's started already." Yin jolts back. Standing in the doorway is Blaze with Iris behind him.

"Blaze!" Aret suddenly pops up. "I told you wait idiot."

"Yeah, I know." Blaze replies, shrugging. "I ignored you." Before Aret can say anything, a girls voice comes from the hall. 


"Em!" Blaze says, turning towards the voice. "It's not what you think." He attempts to calm his sister down.

"Oh really? Because it's looks like you're helping them escape." Ember snaps. Blaze winces and glances at Iris. 

"Okay. Maybe it is what you you think it is." Blaze says, sheepishly. 

"How could you?!" Ember yells, her hair turning blue.

"Ember-" Blaze starts. 

"I don't want to hear it!" Ember yells. Blaze steps back from Ember, his hand covering the white necklace she gave him. "You'd side with them when Arets father looks after us perfectly!" Ember doesn't realize Aret is right there. He flinches and won't look at his friends.

"So my dad couldn't give me the time of day and yet he looks after you?" Aret asks, his scottish accent coming out again. He steps into the hall so Ember can see him. 

                                     .               .                   .

Meanwhile, the real Aret pauses to make sure his illusion is still in place. He continues forward, looking around him. There. He sees the guard standing outside the lone door in the hall. He checks his illusion. Still solid. Time to deal with this. He glances at Iris, who's actually beside him, and nods at the guard. She grins and creeps forward. The soldier turns towards her and tries to call for back up but they haven't even pulled their radio out before Iris lunges at them and sinks her fangs in their arm. Once they're out cold she steps back, her fangs retracting to their normal size. Aret walks towards her and looks at the guard. 

"Nice." He says. "Iris, once we open this door they'll know. This is your last chance to back out." Iris gives Aret an unimpressed look.

"Blaze and I told you. We're in this until the end." She says, putting her hands on her hips and flicking her tail. Aret gives her a relived look.

"Okay." He says. "Glad to hear it. You wanna do the honors?" He holds out the key to the door. Iris grins and grabs the key, unlocking the door.

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