Chapter 20

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There is silence for a moment, then Aret glances up and his eyes meet Wrens. He hesitates for a second, before he speaks.

"I'm going to tell you something I found out." Aret says, shooting an annoyed look at Blaze. Who puts his hand up in an I surrender way.

"If it's about your dad, we already know." Victor says. Aret gives him a surprised look. 

"Oh, yeah. Ember kind of told them." Blaze says. "Or, more accurately, mentioned it while they were right there." Aret sighs and drops his head in his hands.

"Perfect." He mutters. Jay studies him silently for a moment.

"You didn't know, did you?" They ask. Aret looks up and sighs again. 

"Yeha." He says, nodding. Jack narrows his eyes, not believing him. Aret meets his eyes and Jack can see the stress and anger in them. The older boy lets out a breath and gives him a nod. Aret nods back and no says anything about his treason again.

"Your dad is sick." Bane says from the drivers seat. Aret gives a low chuckle.

"Agreed." He says, giving his friend a tentative smile. "But there was a point where I wanted him to notice me. That was before Yin saved my life.* Aret glances at the other boy, who gives him a nod.

"Wait, what about these guys?" Tom asks, the dark grey haired boy, asks, glancing at Blaze and Iris.

"Blaze and Iris are on our side, Nyx is too." Aret says. That seems to be enough for the others because no other questions are asked.

                                            .                         .                     .

Aret glances around, looking for Atlas. He eventually finds her in another warehouse.

"Atlas!" He says, coming up beside her. "There you are!" She looks at him and gives him a small wave.

"Hi Aret." She says. 

"What are you doing?" Aret asks.

"Nothing really." Atlas replies. Aret nods and looks around the space. It looks like every other warehouse in the area, bare grey walls and space for machines. Suddenly he feels Atlas grab his arm. He glances at her and sees she's telling him to be quiet. Atlas cuts her eyes towards the opposite end of the room. Standing there is a boy, he has his back to the pair and his hood is up. But Aret can tell that Atlas recognizes him. 

"Is he the one who killed you?" Aret asks, telepathically. Atlas doesn't respond, instead she disappears. Aret glances around nervous about what Atlas is about to do. 

"You!" The boy yells, causing Aret to jump. "I killed you!" His head snaps towards the boy.

"Yes you did. But I'm to petty to die so I came back to kick your ass." Atlas says, her voice all around.

"Atlas can you talk?" Aret asks. No response comes from the girl.

"Holy Shit!" The boy says, scrambling back. He stumbles and falls so now Aret can see Atlas. Her bangs have moved and can see that she's missing an eye and her throat had been slit. She's projecting her voice. Aret realizes that right as the boy lets out a blood curdling scream. He watches as Atlas has her revenge on the boy who killed her. Suddenly Seon appears beside Aret.

"Hey Aret-" Seon starts then stops. Aret glances at zir and sees the horror on zir face. 

"He's the one who killed her." He says. Seon nods and looks like he's going to be sick, which is saying a lot because they've seen a lot of death and it's not always pretty. The room is freezing cold and both boys are more then scared of Atlas, they're terrified. 

"He's dead now." She says, appearing in front of them. They both jump in surprise.

"Okay." Aret says.

"Oh! I came to tell you that Cypher finished uploading the video." Seon says, looking at Aret.

"Good." He replies, his expression grim. "The end starts now." 

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