Chapter 22

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"325, my name is Doctor Chloe Duskstorm." The woman says. "I will be doing your surgery today." 325 starts to struggle and shout. "Tie him down." The doctor looks at the soldiers holding the boy. The soldiers carry the boy over to the lab table in the middle of the room. It isn't easy but they finally manage to tie him to the table.  Another scientist comes over and begins to put a mask over his face.

                       .                .                 .

Aret jolts awake with a gasp. He bolts into a seated position, his heart hammering. He clutches his throbbing head and closes his eyes. Suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder. He snaps his head up and his eyes meet Yins.

"Yin." Aret says, letting out a sigh of relief. Yin wraps his arms around him and pulls him close. Aret rests his head in the crook of Yins neck.

"Hey, you have a bad dream?" Yin asks. Aret nods, not wanting to speak. Yin gently kisses the side of Arets head. "Okay, I'm here. It's okay." Yin picks up on his boyfriends unspoken words. He brushes a hand through Arets hair. The younger boy closes and soon he's fast asleep. Yin looks at him and smiles softly.

                                .                   .                 .

"Nigel!" The doctor turns around and sees his brother standing there.

"Virgel, my brother. Good to see you." He says, giving him a hug. Virgel returns the hug then pulls away smiling.

"Tell me, how is Chloe?" He asks.

"She's doing great." Nigel replies. "Come say hi. I believe Aiden's here as well." Virgel nods and the two brothers walk down the hall.

                   .                    .                   .

"Hey Jay?" Iris says, walking up behind the blue haired boy. They turn towards her and smile.

"What's up Iris?" Jay asks.

"I just want to apologize for biting you." Iris says.

"It's all good, you didn't kill me." Jay says, shrugging it off. "So we're good." They hold their hand out and Iris shakes it.

                     .                     .                     .

Blaze sits tossing a ball of fire back and forth between his hands. He feels bad for leaving Ember, but she has River by her side so he feels a little better. 

"Blaze?" The boy jumps and snuffs out his fireball. He turns around and finds Jack standing there.

"Oh, hey." Blaze says. "What's up?" He stands and faces the other boy.

"Nothing really, just wanted to talk to you." Jack says, shrugging.

"Okay." Blaze says, slowly. "Why?"

"I'm curious to know why you chose to switch sides." Jack replies, crossing their arms. 

"It's.... complicated." Blaze says, with a sigh.

"So uncomplicate it!" Jack says, sounding frustrated. Blaze sighs and is silent for a moment. 

"Arets dad, we called him Nigel, wanted us, Ember, River, Iris and I, to kill you guys to make and example." Blaze says, looking away from Jack. "I decided I couldn't do that. Iris agreed with me so we talked to Aret and he decided he we had to get you out of there." 

"Huh. So, you decided to leave the only home you've known for an order you decided you couldn't follow?" Jack clarifies.

"It sounds crazy, I know. But Aret is scary when he's and that isn't something I enjoy." Blaze replies. "Also, he'd just found out who his parents are so......... yeah. I think having to watch his friends get killed would've broken him, I didn't want to be the cause of that. I still don't." 

"You care about Aret, don't you?" Jack asks.

"I do, he's like a little brother to me." Blaze replies.

"Jack! Blaze!" Both boys start and Jack looks over their shoulder. It's Tom. "It's time." Jack and Blaze nod and the three take off through the warehouse. 

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