Chapter 2

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"We all know the drill." Aret says, looking around the table at his friends. "Get in, get out and don't be seen. This time around don't get caught, I can't guarantee that we'll be able to rescue you." The others all nodded, the separated.  There are still things they have to get ready, little things that will ensure the success of the plan. Aret was left alone in the main room, studying the map. 

"Hey Aret?" Aret turns, surprised to find find Yin, his black haired friend, leaning against the table. "You're worried."

"Yeah I am." Aret says, wrapping his arms around himself. Yin stepped forward and gently laid his hands on Arets shoulders. 

"Aret listen, you're only sixteen you don't have to do this by yourself." Yin says, his voice soft. "I'm here if you need me, okay?" Aret nods and looks up at Yin. Aret gives him a small smile and Yin pushes his black hair out of his ebony eyes, Arets heart flutters a little.

"OI YIN!" Cypher yells. "I NEED YOUR HELP!" Both boys jump and Aret laughs lightly. 

"HOLD ON CY!" Yin yells back. He turns back to Aret and smiles ruefully.

"Go help them." Aret says. 

"You sure?" Yin asks. Aret nods and gibes Yin a gentle push.

"Go on, we'll talk later." Aret says. Yin sighs and turns to leave. He pauses at the entrance to the hall, turning he looks back at Aret.

"We'll get Wren back and everything will be fine." He says. Aret laughs and shakes his head.

"You don't know that Yin." He says. Yin laughs and leaves. Aret sighs and turns back to the map. Yin could be a handful but he could usually tell when Aret or one of the others needs to talk. He was a good listener and often helped sort out problems between the boys. Aret turned his attention to the photo wall they had made, after Cypher, their resident tech genius, had made a camera. Wren had gone crazy with it taking so many pictures that they filled the grey wall. Aret moved to study the pictures, noting that they all looked so happy in them. His eyes flicked from picture to picture and that's when he spotted a photo tucked behind another. Aret cocked his head buy before he could reach for the photo he heard two people come into the room. He turned around and saw Yin and Cypher.

"Hey Aret." Cypher says, jogging over to him with Yin right behind them.

"Hey Cypher." Aret says, gibing them a soft smile. Yin glances at the photo wall behind Aret and spots the hidden picture right away. He reaches over and pulls it out, it's a photo of all from a couple of years ago. Arets eyes fill with tears as he looks at their happy faces.

"We're going to get her back." Cypher says, lays their hand on Arets shoulder. Aret nods not trusting himself to speak.

"We're ready to go." Yin says. "That's what we came to tell you."

"Let's go." Aret says, his voice determined.

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