Chapter 7

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Once they are far enough away from the center of the room, Yin lays a hand on Arets arm. Aret glances at him, concern in his eyes.

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"Wait." Solar says, interrupting Nova. 

"What?" Nova says slightly annoyed. Solar hesitates for a moment, thinking about what she's about to say.

"Does Yin betray Aret?" Solar asks her friend. Nova gives her an annoyed look.

"How am I supposed to know?" Nova says, with an exasperated sigh. "Wait and find out. Now, where was I? Ah, yes..."

                                                                             .                    .                .

"Hold up a sec Aret." Yin says, a slight tremor in his voice. 

"Yin?" Aret says, concerned. "What's wrong?" 

"Just wanted to tell you something, in case we don't make it out of here." Yin replies

"Hey, no. We'll make it." Aret says, laying his hands on Yins arms. "Lets focus on this right now. You can tell me later okay?"

"Aret, can you please just listen? For a moment?" Yin asks, upset. Aret looks at him in surprise.

"Hey okay, I'm listening." Aret says, his voice soft. "I just don't think this is the safest place to talk, okay?" Yin nods, then follows Aret through the hedges. After a while Aret stops and looks around.

"Okay, we should be fine here." He says, turning to face Yin. Yin wanted to tell Aret that he liked him but his nerve was fading quickly. 

"What did you want to tell me, Yin?" Aret asks. Yin hesitates for a moment and takes a deep breath. 

"I, uh, I... I've fallen in love with you Aret." Yin says. "I just, I wanted you to know in case something happened." He's relieved to have gotten it out but he's scared that Aret is going to reject him. 

"Yin..." Aret says softly. "How long have you felt that way?" 

"Um... I'm not sure." Yin replies, his cheeks flushed. Aret hesitates for a moment. 

"Yin, I've liked you for years but I realized recently that it wasn't a anymore." Aret says, softly. He glances up, his brown eyes meeting Yins ebony ones. Yin pushes his black hair out of his eyes. and smiles. He gently takes Arets hands in his . Both boys are reluctant to to ruin the moment but they have to keep moving. 

"We should go." Aret says, reluctantly. Yin sighs and nods. Aret starts walking again and yin follows, still holding the younger boys hand.

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