Chapter 9

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"Poor Atlas." Solar says softly.

"Yeah..." Nova agrees. The friends glance at each other, not sure if they want to continue with the story that's unfolding in front of them.

"We should keep going." Solar says. "I want to find out what happens to Aret and his friends."

"Alright." Nova says. "Where was I? Ah yes..."

                                              .              .               .

"Everyone ready?" Aret asks, over the com.

"Ready when you are." Bane replies. The others give verbal confirmation.

"Okay." Aret says. "On three."

"One." Bane says.

"Two." Aret says, pressing his hand against the door.

"Three!" Bane says. Aret pushes the door open and holds it for Yin and Wren.

"Straight to the bus guys." Aret says. He gets verbal confirmation from the others, as Wren and Yin nod. The boys are walking towards the bus, when the labs alarms start to go off.

"Shit!" Aret says, starting to run. Liam reaches the bus first and pulls the back door open. Bane, who is right behind him, jumps into the bus and goes to the drivers seat. Aret reaches the bus next and stops across from Liam. The other boys jump into the bus when they reach it, until they're all inside. Aret happens to glance at the lab and sees soldiers coming out.

"Get in the bus!" Aret says, turning back to Liam. "Now!" Liam nods and jumps into the bus. Once inside he turns and helps Aret up. Aret closes the door behind him. Before anyone can say anything, the glass in the door shatters in s spray of bullets from the labs soldiers.

"Bane, go!" Aret yells, grabbing one of the guns from under the seat beside him. They'd put them there so that they'd have a weapon that could shoot long distance. Aret pushes himself up in order to return the soldiers fire. Bane practically floors the gas pedal, almost knocking Aret off balance. Aret steadies himself against the door and aims his gun through the broken window. Cypher comes up to him and aims their own gun through the window. Both of them were hurt but it was their job to cover the groups escapes. Aret glances at them and gives them a nod. The pair keep shooting at the soldiers who lean out of the windows of the cars behind them.

"Bane, look out!" Liam yells suddenly. Aret glances over his shoulder to see what was going on. Coming towards them, at top speed, was one of the labs cars. There was no time for Bane to avoid a collision. The car slammed into the side of the bus sending the boys flying. Arets head slams against the floor, causing him to black out. Cypher reaches out and manages to catch their friend, stopping Aret from hitting his head against the side of the bus. Cypher curls her body around Arets, in order to protect him.

                                          .                 .                 .

"Everyone okay?" Bane asks, coughing. The bus has stopped moving now but there is a lot of smoke.

"All good here." Liam replies. The others echo his confirmation.

"Arets out cold but other then that he's okay." Cypher says, sitting up. They keep one hand on Arets shoulder in order to moniter his breathing. Yin comes over to cheek on Aret and glances at Cypher.

"Are you okay?" He asks, opening a connection between his mind and Cyphers.

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about Aret." Cypher replies, glancing down at the younger boy. Yin touches Arets arm, his brow furrowing with concern. Wren comes over to the three of them. She glances out the window and sees soldiers approaching the bus.

"The soldiers are coming." She says, twisting around to look at Bane. Bane grabs a gun from under a seat and comes over to look out the window.

"Jay on me, the rest of you stay down." They say, taking charge.

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