Chapter 5: A Wannabe Hero

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A few days after the dullahan incident, Y/N and Kazuma were sitting at the guild's bar counter with drinks. Y/N was still mad at Aqua, and he was kept away from her as much as possible. Kazuma was in charge of making sure he didn't do something rash.

Kazuma: "You know..."

Y/N: "I don't know."

Kazuma: "... I get why you're mad at Aqua, but just let it go. Realistically, you would have died if you went to fight him and if you stayed in town without Aqua lifting the curse."

Y/N: "Yeah, I know, but I was just so determined to do it. I even did a weird speech about how he'd die by my hand."

Kazuma: "Yeah, that was weird. Are you sure it's smart spending so much time with Megumin? Seems like she's leaving a bad influence on you."

Y/N: "Uh..."

He took a sip from his drink.

Y/N: "Okay, I get why you think I should spend maybe a little less time with her, but honestly... Spending time with her is fun."

Kazuma: "What, you crushing on her?"

Y/N: "No. She's nice and stuff, but really, I just consider her a friend. Probably the best one I've ever had, actually."

Kazuma: "Wow, that's sad."

Y/N: "You ass."

Kazuma: "Been a while since you called me that."

The two finished their drinks and sat in silence for a while. Kazuma sighed heavily.

Kazuma: "This isn't how I thought life in another world would be like."

Y/N: "I dunno, it's been very fantasy-like for me."

Kazuma: "Yeah, for you! You actually got a good gift unlike me! I have to take care of a useless goddess while being satisfied with a few coins! Meanwhile you're getting all the action! You confronted a boss-level monster, lived, and you're on a romance path with a party member! Why can't that happen to me?!"

Y/N: "Bro, I just told you, we're just friends! I'm sure she feels the same! And it's your fault for picking Aqua as a gift back then! You just had to be petty, didn't you?!"

Knowing that arguing about this is stupid and a waste of time, the two let it be. Both were about to order another drink, when Aqua slammed her fists on the counter next to Kazuma.

Aqua: "I've had enough of being in debt all the time! A quest! We need to take a quest, even if the damn dullahan caused the weak monsters to flee! I want, no, need money!"

Y/N once again got mad when he saw the blue thing, but Megumin sat down next to him and put her hand on his shoulder, effectively stopping him. She'd been doing that a lot lately. Darkness was next to Aqua, as they all walked there at the same time, although Aqua ran rather than walk.

Darkness: "I-I don't mind..."

Aqua: "P-Please! I'm sick and tired of having to do part-time jobs in the shopping district! The manager yells at me if I don't sell any of the croquettes!"

She clung to Kazuma's collar and cried. Again. Kazuma was being shaken by her.

Aqua: "I'll work hard! I'll give it everything I have this time!"

Y/N: 'We wouldn't be having this kind of trouble if you didn't lift the damn curse off me. In some way, at least.'

Kazuma: "I'm sure I'll run out of money at some stage, too. Y/N will, too. So, if you want, go find a decent quest we can do."

Aqua: "Roger!"

Aqua stood up, saluted, and turned on her heels to go to the quest board.

Y/N: "You sure that's a good idea?"

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