Chapter 21: A Peculiar Magic Item

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(Hello. As I said in my message board on my profile, I'll be writing at least the first OVA before the movie/volume 5. However, the first OVA was so focused on Kazuma that I couldn't use the same idea, so I came up with something new. I'm not sure how good what I came up with is, so any feedback will be appreaciated. This also took so long to write because it's original stuff. Anyway, hope you enjoy.)

Waking up in his bed too close to midday, Y/N didn't wanna get up. He was still a bit tired from the trip to Arcanretia, from which the party returned from just yesterday. So, petting Chicken Vienna Sausage, whom he had more or less stolen from Megumin last night, Y/N stayed under the blanket.

Y/N: "Hey there, Chicken Vienna Sausage. Are you still eepy?"

Chicken Vienna Sausage: "Mau..."

Y/N: "Yeah, me too. Do you think we should get up?"

Chicken Vienna Sausage: "Naurr."

Y/N: "Figured."

Suddenly, Y/N remembered the letter from the royal family he had found in their mailbox just yesterday.

Y/N: "Ugh... Guess I gotta read it."

Y/N didn't read it yesterday because, to be perfectly honest, he didn't feel like it. Who would want to read a letter from the royal family anyway? But still, Y/N groggily got up from bed and walked to the table in his room, and sat down as he took the envelope addressed to him in hand. After opening it, Y/N held it in his hands, reading it.

Letter: "Most warm greetings, Y/N L/N-san. I am the first princess of Belzerg, Iris Stylish-Sword Belzerg."

Y/N: "Wait, this is from the first princess?!"

Realizing just how serious this letter is, Y/N woke up completely and continued reading with a serious expression.

Letter: "My family sent you a letter some time ago, I believe. It was to congratulate you of your victory against two of the Demon King's generals. And now, less than a month later, your party defeated yet another general, according to our intel."

Y/N: 'Of course the royal family would have people all over the kingdom...'

Letter: "When I first heard of you, you had my interest, but now you have my attention. I've heard vague tales about you and your party's endeavors already, but I believe I haven't gotten the full picture just yet. As such, I requested my father to allow me to invite you and your party to join me for dinner in the near future, like how we had discussed earlier."

Y/N: "Wait, she's serious about that?! Dammit!"

This news would make pretty much anyone feel honored, but not Y/N. For Y/N, this felt like it would be nothing but trouble. Not only are the party's accomplishments most likely exaggerated, he's sure Kazuma's added some lies here and there when bragging to anyone who'd listen. That being found out by the first princess of the kingdom would be troublesome.

Letter: "My father agreed, but on the condition you and your party defeat one more Demon King's general. He wasn't yet convinced of your capabilities, I assume. But I believe you will run into another one soon, and emerge victorious from the battle against the general. I will send you the invitation when that happens. Until then, Y/N L/N-san."

The letter ends there, with a signature from the first princess, Iris Stylish-Sword Belzerg written in elegant cursive and a stamp of the royal family's crest. Y/N checked the letter's other side, but there wasn't anything more, so he set it down on the table.

Y/N: sigh "She's got some serious expectations for us, huh? Ugh, this is gonna be such a drag..."

Despite the sense of worry in his head, Y/N remembered something he hadn't thought about in a while. He pulled open a drawer and took out the necklace.

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