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The chuckle he gave was amusing. He was clearly offended by my upright, thoughtless remark. He reached for his glass, downing the rest of the Whiskey and signalling a refill.

The way he didn't even need to speak to get what he wanted was also pretty attractive.

"Did you seriously just say no?" The guy had probably never been told in his life, I suppose some humbling was good for him.

"Is the world round?" I deadpanned, another entitled motherfucker in this club.

"Pfft, you're probably just too drunk to even see me right now." He was so bitter over me right now, I found that so funny. He glanced over to my cocktail, "Nevermind, you only drink those weak drinks."

I turned my head to look at him, this time, I was slightly offended by his comment.

"Weak drinks?" I repeated his words, grabbing for his glass of fresh Whiskey. I downed that thing in one go, and honestly deep inside, I regret it so bad.

I hated the taste of Whiskey, it was actually awful. I suppressed my gag, keeping an unphased expression on my face as the liquid went down my throat. I felt it burn every organ possible.

The man just stared at me, leaning his head on his fist as he watched me swallow his drink. He was definitely expecting some bizarre reaction, but after realising I gave zero reaction, he sat up straight - a smirk on his face.

As I gently slid the glass back near him, I realised the red lipstick print on the edge of his glass. Whoops, I was pretty surprised my lipstick even lasted that long though.

"You know that is 25-year-old Whiskey, specifically made for me." He spoke, not cutting his intrigued gaze off me.

"You tried insulting my alcohol tolerance. I did what I had to do." I scoffed, sipping the rest of my cocktail as he let out a low chuckle.

"You had to drink my Whiskey?" He raised a brow and I groaned, this guy was so strange.

"Who even are you? Seriously, you're crying over this? You're probably wife-less for this exact reason." I blurt out, slightly annoyed at this man.

"I beg your pardon." His sudden assertive tone shook me up to soberness, I had only just processed what I had said. But you know what, I said earlier, I'd never see this guy again, what was the harm in what I was doing?

"I said what I said, you're crying over me drinking your Whiskey when you were the one who challenged me to basically drink it. If I were your wife I would literally not be able to stand your ass, unless you made a shit load of money." I told him, rolling my eyes with some serious attitude as he listened, that same intent gaze.

"And, you probably don't even make enough money for me to tolerate you anyways, so.." I added, shrugging and looking at my phone after that.

Oh he was lost for words. He blinked at me, clueless for a second, then he cleared his throat, observing the edge of his glass at my lipstick stain.

"You think I don't make enough money? I could buy your house times three." He chuckled, boastfully, "Matter of fact, times that by ten."

I turned my head to look at him, expression sour from disbelief. I genuinely looked at him as if he was insane, yeah, not a chance this guy could afford my house times ten, he probably couldn't even afford it times two nevermind ten.

His expression contrast mine, his was confident and boastful, where mine was totally unconvinced and over this guy already. What was the point of lying.

"Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that." I chuckled, taking a sip of my drink as there was silence from his end. I turned to look at him, and he was on his phone. 

That's exactly what I thought.

Suddenly, he slid his phone towards me, insinuating for me to add my number into his phone. Was this guy really serious? I looked at him, still unconvinced but regardless, adding my number into his phone, then sliding his phone back towards him.

"What do I get in return if I can prove myself." He slid his phone in his pocket, a small smirk raising on the edge of his lips.

I stared at this guy, actually unbelievable.

"I'm not a fucking whore, don't look at me as if I'll have sex with you." I rolled my eyes, lightly shaking my head in disbelief.

"I was thinking more of marriage." He suddenly uttered those words out of nowhere, my head snapped to look at him in shock.

"I feel as if that twenty-five-year-old Whiskey has gone to your brain." I sarcastically told him, he gave a light chuckle at me.

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