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"I'm not weak Niki. I can tolerate murder. I just choose not to indulge in a life like that." I clutched my towel round my body tighter, it'd be embarrassing if it fell down.

Niki leant against the door frame, clearly not going to move any time soon. His eyes were only focused on my face though.

"I feel like you should. Yuri Nishimura." He repeated the thing I said to that man earlier, and now I seriously regret even saying that. I have no idea what possessed me to say something like that, it was either Park Yuri, or Yuri Nishimura, and I didn't want to be associated with my father, therefore my last option was to take Niki's surname.

I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Don't ever call me that again." I told him, turning around and looking at his irresistible smile on his face.

"Ah, you know you like it. It's got a nice ring to it." He chuckled, walking into the bathroom, he stood behind me, pressing himself against me and placing his hands on my waist. I looked into the mirror, staring at his amused face right now.

I wasn't quite sure what he was doing right now, all I knew was that it was making me nervous and my heart beat a little faster.

"Get out or I'll kick you in the dick." I warned, casually threatening him. He took his hands off me, moving back and chuckling to himself.

Despite my words, him taking his hands off me was actually quite a weird feeling, as if my body longed for them to stay on.

"Yes ma'am. I'll need my dick for the future, so please don't." He joked, and I glared at him through the mirror, he gave another light laugh, stepping out of the bathroom and shutting the door.

As soon as the door was fully shut, I let out a smile, why was he kind of cute.



The teasing atmosphere between me and Niki grew more frequent as days passed, and walking round in an empty place without him made me feel quite lonely and bored. Obviously, I met with my girls more often, or when I could.

But at this rate, I've shot more people dead than seen any of my friends. To be fair, the mafia lifestyle was growing on me rapidly, and I didn't even hesitate thinking twice about shooting an intruder.

Niki stormed into the house, it was around 8pm, rather late of him to come back home.

He was not in the mood for jokes or any of the above, at all. His face was annoyed, not even annoyed, he was furious. Something in that cold gaze of his eyes, the clenched jaw and the lightly furrowed eyebrows.

He loosened his tie, and damn, that did something to me. He threw it onto the sofa, right beside where I sat and stormed off elsewhere, the echo of a door slamming shut vibrating through the rooms.

The fuck?

I sat up, wondering what the hell happened to make him this annoyed. He never really got mad like this before, at all, he was rather nonchalant about majority of things.

I decided to test the waters, and trace back his footsteps, leading me to his office. I held my hand on the handle, hesitating to come inside. Should I knock? Would he even acknowledge my knock even if I tried to?

Judging from his mood, he'd probably cuss me out and tell me to get the fuck away from him. His office walls are soundproof, so anything I'd probably say right now, he wouldn't be able to hear.

I groaned from outside of his office, really wondering whether I should just walk in or not. I considered it, it's not like he could even do anything to me even if I did piss him off, I was going to be his wife soon enough - he'd have to give me the bare minimum of respect otherwise I'd leave and never come back.

That was all it took to convince me to barge into his office, even though he constantly reiterated to not bother him when he went in his office, I was curious.

I grabbed ahold of the handle firmly, swinging the door open and casually walking in. He didn't even glance up at me, I just shut the door behind me and walked towards his desk, sitting on the chair in front of him.

He was typing something on his computer, then switching to phone calls on his phone. I sat and watched, wondering what the hell could be so important he's acting like this.

I raised my eyebrow as he continued ignoring my presence, it was pretty amusing though, I know he was probably resisting right now. I mean come on, the chemistry lately between us, was unforgettable.

He finally spoke to me, his tone of voice annoyed and frustrated.

"Didn't I tell you not to come in here?" It wasn't even a question, it was more of a demand, basically a way of him telling me to get the fuck out.

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