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Another day passed, the girls had two meals. I had none. Minjae clearly wanted to see me weak and suffer, but despite his efforts, there was no way I'd even obey him.

"Yuri, do you want me to pass you some food. I'll slide the plate over." Miyeon whispered and I just chuckled lightly.

"It's okay, eat up." I smiled gently, trying to free my hands from these cuffs. I'm pretty sure by the amount of resistance I've been doing against these handcuffs, they were bound to break soon enough.

I was focused on rubbing the cuffs among the metal pole, it would eventually erode the metal and snap at one point. I could feel it, it was bound to just break.

I had suffered a little more beatings, clearly Minjae was really shit at this 'suffering' game, if it were me, I would've tortured the hell out of my victim.

Not that I would abduct them and hold them hostage in the first place, I'm not weak like Minjae, I'll go for the kill if I want to.

I actually began to doubt that Niki would come, which made me think back to Minjae's word. Was he seriously not gonna save me? Did he just shrug it off coldly and move on to another girl? It made me feel a little hopeless, but I tried my best to remain positive.

Finally, a clinking noise almost sent me flying forward onto the floor, face first. The clinking sound was the sound of the handcuffs breaking. My hands were free, I just had two separate cuffs on my wrists, like a bracelet.

The three girls looked up at me, hope radiating from their eyes. I quickly approached them, cupping their faces and giving a small hug.

"I'm gonna get you girls out of here whether I die or not." I gently told them as they started to cry again, I know this scenario wasn't ideal, but it just happened.

This dress was quite an inconvenience though, I loved it, but not anymore. I heard the door open, I quickly scurried back to my chair, placing my hands back behind the pole as if I was still handcuffed.

Haneul came walking down, with a metal pipe of some sort. He gently tapped his hand with it repeatedly, a smug smirk on his face as he looked at me.

"Do you like baseball, Yuri?" He asked, standing in front of me and peering down at me with such a condescending glare.

"Hm, let me have a think." I looked up, planning my next sudden move. Haneul stopped tapping his hand with the pipe, placing it to his side.

Immediately, I sprung for the pipe, unexpectedly taking it from his grasp with such ease and standing up. I whacked him over the head hard, he stumbled a little but didn't fall. He ran to me like a bull, trying to get me, but I kicked him straight in the scrotum, he groaned, holding his area as he hunched in pain.

I took this opportunity to hit him hard over the head, and then the neck. He fell to the floor with a slam, unconscious.

"Look away if you still want an appetite." I coldly warned, slamming the pole into his face a good couple more times. I dug through his pocket, then lift his shirt up, seeing a gun slot in the waist of his pants.

I grabbed for that, checking if it's loaded and then cocking the gun. I shot him in the neck, it echoed in the dungeon and the three girls winced. I looked at the three.

"Sorry about that." I apologised, shooting the chains attached to their leg. Finally, they were free. They feebly stood up, wobbling a little and hugging me immediately.

"Yuri.." Heejin cried, tears falling down her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck, "Please.."

"I know. I'm getting you guys out of here, don't worry about me, and just focus on leaving." I sharply told them, "I don't want no 'but what about you' bullshit, when I say you leave, you leave. Or you fucking die." I had to tell them straight up, I couldn't sugarcoat and feed them some cute little lies.

They silently nodded, following me up the stairs, I opened the door and to my own surprise, it was rather empty. Where the fuck was everyone?

We creeped across halls, peering round walls. There were a few of Minjae's men scattered about, but we managed to take routes away from them.

Up until we bumped into one of his men. I immediately reacted, not losing any time, shooting the guy in the neck twice. He fell to the ground, gargling blood and slowly dying.

I took ahold of his gun, stepping over his body mercilessly. I could tell they were scared, but even so, I did warn them.

I found a window they could crawl out of, I quickly ushered them out, and as Heejin lastly was about to climb out, a group of Minjae's men came from the corner, firing immediately.

Heejin managed to escape, but I hid behind a wall, shooting in my wedding dress, what a fucking sight.

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