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A week later, the contract insisted I move into Niki's house, for protection or whatever. So unfortunately, I had to abide or else my friend's lives were on the line.

I grew accustomed to it rather quickly, most of the days I would waste in the gun range room, taking my anger out on that motherfucker.

I shot the target numerous times, aiming straight and accurately in the head, heart, and can't forget the balls.

All the shots went in the same place, one after another.

"You're in this room a lot lately." Niki's voice peered from behind me, and I spun around, holding the gun up. He chuckled as I pointed the gun towards him, I dropped my arms down, rolling my eyes.

"You give me no choice but to." I hissed, looking at him, then aiming the gun for the head of the target and shooting. I didn't even look where I shot it, but somehow, I managed to shoot a hole in the head again.

Way to go Yuri.

"I'm not that bad." He scoffed, so obviously offended. I was wondering what the hell he wanted, he was rather busy and to be honest, I only saw him around a few times.

"What do you want." I coldly asked him, turning back to face the targets and shooting in the chest, head and leg.

"I'm going out on a mission, won't be back till tomorrow morning probably. Don't think about pulling any stupid stunts." Niki warned, glaring at me with those sharp eyes once more, oh he means business when he's looking at me like that.

"Don't worry, I'll ensure to invite everybody over while you're gone." I shot the target straight in the middle, the bullet echoed loudly.

"Behave yourself, our wedding is in two months, I wouldn't want to be walking down a corpse on my wedding day." Niki leant on the wall, watching as I shot each target so accurately. You could tell in his face that he was pretty amazed, he just refused to show it.

I reloaded the gun, cocking the gun and mounting the silencer on it. I spun to look at him, in a quick cloud of thoughts.

"Who said it'll be you walking down a corpse, maybe I'll be the one dragging your corpse down the aisle." I chuckled softly as his lips curved into a small smile.

"Wow, my father was not joking when he said you were one hell of a girl." He scoffed, and I paused for a second, looking at him in confusion.

"When did your father ever mention me?" I furrowed my brows as he walked up closer to me, he closed the proximity between the both of us with full confidence. His face extremely close to mine, I could even hear him breathe.

"I'll see you later." He lowly ignored my question, giving his signature smirk and heading out of the room. I spun around to the freshly moving targets, shooting every single one directly in the centre accurately.

God, how badly this man frustrated me.

Nonetheless, after I took my frustration out on the targets, I made my way out of there, heading straight to my bedroom. Thankfully, Niki wasn't such a psycho to the point where he made me act like his wife. We had separate bedrooms, bathrooms and I did anything I wanted to as long as it wasn't that could damage his reputation or something along the lines of that.

He had left already, I was in the gun range for a while, that is just how annoyed this man made me.

His whole mansion was empty, only people to be seen were his workers, cleaners, maids, butlers, guards, all of those people.

For some reason, I also had an unexpected guest. I wasn't even signed up for babysitting, but I suppose that's what I was doing now.

"Oh, you're Niki's fiancee, right?" She greeted me with a jovial smile, she looked down to the boy holding her hand. He looked about five years of age.

"Please, if you don't mind, could you babysit Jaehyun for me? I have a really urgent meeting and I have nowhere I can drop him off." She didn't even let me speak or say anything, she just handed me her son and ran off into her car.

See, now I just had this random ass kid with a bowl cut holding my hand. I was stunned as she drove off like that, now what if I wasn't even Niki's fiancee. Then what?

I had no idea what to do with him, I just did the most natural thing and took him inside, greeted him and what not. Seriously, it was so random I didn't even have this planned.

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